Terça-feira, 16 de Julho de 2024 Bookmark and Share
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Community nonviolence festival draws 'record crowd'

Canada Kitchener | 02 de Julho 2009 00:45
5th annual 'Day in the Park' celebrates nonviolence.

The Humanist Movement in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada, held their 5th annual Nonviolence Festival "Day in the Park" on Saturday June 27, with about 1500 people experiencing the sights and sounds from noon to 9pm.

Located on the island in Victoria Park, the event gathered community groups, vendors, bands, speakers and an activity and games area for kids.

Matt Albrecht, organizer of the Festival, said it was the best Day in the Park yet. "It was a terrific day. In fact, it was one of the best days of my life!"

The World March was very present, and people were able to endorse it online directly. Each visitor also received a welcome kit with information about the March, and a number of people offered to help organize the WM's next event in Kitchener - a peace sign on September 21, the International Day of Peace.

The World March

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