Terça-feira, 16 de Julho de 2024 Bookmark and Share
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Estamos com 93 dias de marcha!
2 outubro 2009
2 janeiro 2010

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Informações úteis

World March goes PEACE CAMPING 2009

Greece Athens | 14 de Julho 2009 16:17
To promote the WM, a 10 day camping trip is being organized in Greece.

In Plaka, Pieria of Northern Greece, at an organized camping site by the foot of the sacred mountain of Olympus near the sea.

The goal of the trip is to promote the WM, the ideals and goals of nonviolence. Members will participate in activities, seminars, games, presentations, excursions, parties and events. They will get to know about World without Wars ,meet new people, consider new ways of thinking and an alternative way of living.

Of course there will be lots of fun, swimming and activities. On August 6th a human peace sign will be made in remembrance of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima - that day events will be taking place all around the world in support of global disarmament.

All you will need is a tent and a sleeping bag!!! If you are interested and want to participate please contact [email protected] by July 20th.

Have a great, active, non-violent summer !!!!


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