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The most senior Muslim cleric in Guinea endorses the World March

Guinea Conakry | 19 de Maio 2009 20:56
On the afternoon of Tuesday 12th May 2009 an important message of peace arrives from the Muslim community in Africa.

El Hadj Ibrahima Bah, first Imam of the Faycal mosque of Conakry, the most senior Muslim cleric in Guinea, has endorsed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence with these words:

"This Movement of Peace has need of all possible support.  I commit myself to the World March and I endorse it.  Every long-lasting development, all cultural progress, has the acquisition of Peace as a necessary condition.  So we consider ourselves a bit like pioneers of Peace in Africa and in Guinea.  We believe, in synthesis, than Peace must be applied in every aspect of life".

"This is an extremely symbolic endorsement as well as a meaningful one, as Guinea is a country where approximately 85% of the population are Muslims," Abdoulaye Bhoye of the World March Promotion Team in Guinea explained.

"The Imam is very happy to endorse and is inviting everyone in Africa, not only religious people, to do the same" Bhoye adds.

Bah is the religious Guide of one of the largest mosques in the world, the Faycal Mosque in Conakry, a building that can be seen from many kilometres away.

The Imam has a real influence in Guinea that is not only limited to practising Muslims.  He is a moral guide for the country whose suggestions are also considered in the political and social fields.


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