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Thousands Join World March Days in Canada

Canada various | 24. November 2009 06:02
On November 19, 20, 21, various towns and cities in Canada celebrated "World March Days" with activities in support of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. These Days were meant to get everyone ready for the arrival of the WM Team on December 1.

In Quebec, over 2500 students from different Gatineau schools formed a peace sign at the Nicolas-Gatineau Secondary School. In Trois-Rivieres, over 100 Seminaire Saint-Joseph students with white tuques walked to the Port Park while chanting, "Yes to Peace", and then formed a peace sign. The closing ceremony included the release of 30 white doves. In Sherbrooke and Montreal, other peace signs and walks also took place, bringing the number of young people involved in these World March Days in Quebec to nine thousand.

In Toronto, a forum on the World March and the Canadian Department of Peace Initiative was held at the University of Toronto, and on the 21st, pyjama-wearing protesters in the Pyjama Walk for Peace and Nonviolence marched down the main city street banging pots and pans and calling on the population to "Wake Up!" to the threat of nuclear weapons.

Also, in Kitchener-Waterloo, an Uptown to Downtown Candlelight walk between the twin cities was held, with a concert at the end. It had been raining all day, but the rain stopped just as the walk was set to start. In Edmonton, a Peace Walk from Laurier Park to Hawrelak Park with a focus on ending the war in Afghanistan gathered a hundred people on a cold and sunny day, and in Vancouver, booklets on nonviolence were distributed at the local library. Finally, high up north in Whitehorse, a small team of Marchers climbed to the top of Grey Mountain and unfurled their peace banner, sending the message of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence to be carried by the four winds.


World March Canada

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