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A shocking call for volunteers in Bolivia

Bolivia Cochabamba | 10. June 2009 23:30
The dramatic image of a nuclear bomb on Cochabamba generates consciousness of the World March and appeals for volunteers.

Organisers in Bolivia have created a new shocking TV advert to appeal for volunteers to come forward and help with preparations for the World March which will pass through Bolivia at the end of December.

This is the text in full:

There are 30 thousand nuclear bombs in the world.

3 million dollars are spent on weapons every minute.

Just 8 governments are responsible for this threat.

We need to be many thousands and millions who raise our voice and ask for an end to nuclear weapons on our planet.

We want nuclear arsenals to be dismantled.

We want the troops to be withdrawn from invaded territories and the use of wars to be renounced once and for all.

We want to overcome violence in all its forms.

We want peace with ourselves and with others.

This is why we invite you to join us as a volunteer in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

The World March

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