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March Day 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information

World Marchers to visit Pope Benedict XVI in Rome

Vatican City Vatican City | 23. 七月 2009 16:08
As the World March goes around the world a number of events will take place at spiritually and religiously significant venues, none more so than the Vatican City where on the 11th of November a delegation of World Marchers will take part in an audience with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

The World March is not a religiously affiliated event although the March's aim to create a consciousness that rejects violence in all its form is inspired by the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be treated - the great universal message found in all religions. This openness is allowing people from a wide spectrum of religious backgrounds and of no religious background to feel able to endorse this global initiative.

Previously last month World March organisers in London were delighted to receive confirmation that Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and the symbolic head of the worldwide Anglican Communion is endorsing the March.
In the letter from Lambeth Palace his assistant wrote, "Do please accept our very best wishes for the last stages of planning for the March and for the impact on public opinion when it takes place".

In addition to these endorsements we are receiving news of various Imams, Buddhist leaders, and Rabbis around the world who are backing this worldwide movement in favour of peace through non-violent means.

The World March

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