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March Day 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information

President Vazquez of Uruguay: Peace is everyone's right

Uruguay Montevideo | 09. 六月 2009 05:22
Dr. Tabare Vazquez, President of Uruguay becomes the latest Latin American president to give his backing to the World March.

President Vazquez of Uruguay joins President Bachelet of Chile, President Fernandez of Argentina, President Morales of Bolivia, and President Correa of Ecuador becoming the 5th Latin American President to endorse the World March, together with President Mesic of Croatia and President Ramos Horta of East Timor.

In his letter to World March organisers in Uruguay, President Vazquez wrote: "Please count on my endorsement and that of the Government over which I preside because there is no room for doubts or delays with this initiative.  Peace is everyone's right and nonviolence is also a shared and permanent responsibility."

The World March

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