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The World March in the world’s longest flag

Argentina Rosario | June 21, 2009 03:06
The name of the March, covering more than 100 metres, is part of “Alta en el Cielo” (High in the Sky), the longest flag in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records.

The flag is more than 15 kilometres long, made up of sections that communities from around the country have donated.  In Rosario, the city where the national flag was created, the parts are put together for the annual parade in which thousands of people participate.

This year, the new part was the inclusion of the World March in one of its sections, which was invited by organisers of the Project when then they recently gave their endorsement.

"The organisers of 'Alta en el Cielo' gave us this opportunity when they endorsed the March.  A group of Humanists cut out the fabric letters and sewed them to the flag.  Today is its first outing... It's very exciting and we are very happy".

Alta en el Cielo (the first verse of a popular song) is the name of a project by the Rosario Journalist, Julio Vacaflor.


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