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Presentation of the World March to the Italian media

Italy Milano | June 27, 2009 07:41
On the 23 of June a press conference was held in Milan to launch the World March in Italy.

Giorgio Schultze, European Spokesperson for the March and Emanuela Fumagalli, Italian Spokesperson introduced the World March to the journalists and companies present.

Also taking part were: Nicholetta Flutti, manager of Inter Campus who reaffirmed their commitment around the world; Alberto Nicoli of Emergency, one of the most important of the 420 associations that have endorsed the March in Italy; The General Manager of Guna, a company that is supporting the March in Italy and publicising it through their employees and in all their public communications; Emma Re, Italian singer most famous for having sung during the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, who spoke as a representative of the countless Italian endorsers and who has dedicated a part of her new CD to the World March by putting the logo on the cover; Mariolina Moioli of Milan City Council was also present in her role as councillor for Families, Schools and Social Policy and announced that "The City of Milan is sponsoring the World March that will travel through the world's capitals to promote the construction of a culture of peace and nonviolence."

At the end of the conference the logistics of participating were explained and the campaign "Adopt a Kilometre!" was launched (see www.marciamondiale.org/sostieni)

Once the conference was over many radio interviews were given and lots of news was subsequently published on line.

The biggest circulation sports newspaper, La Gazzetta dello Sport, interviewed Emanuela Fumagalli and they published on their home page the endorsement video with people from the world of sport passing the World March jersey to each other.


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