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The Peace and Nonviolence Gang

Ecuador Quito | July 14, 2009 12:01
The youth association Semilleros de la No Violencia Activa (The Seeds of Active Nonviolence), together with the National Education Ministry, the local Ministry of Culture, the Head of Public Security in La Mariscal, the local Authority of Quito North zone, COMPINA, Alfredo Perez Guerrero University and the Faculties of Architecture, Design and Art of PUCE launched the Peace and Nonviolence Gang as an initiative to prepare for the World March when it reaches Ecuador.

In the event students from various colleges and universities of the city took part together with representatives of various Humanist organisations in a March from the Culture Ministry to El Ejido Park where they formed a live Nonviolence symbol.

The students brought slogans promoting peace and the flags of the countries through which the World March will pass. With this act the Peace and Nonviolence Gang was established including a plan for training and for growth of the Seeds' project with protagonism of young people through the development of multiple initiatives to generate a consciousness in favour of the WM objectives.

Taking part were: Liceo del Valle, Colegio Brasil, Colegio Manuela Cañizares, Colegio Tomás Moro, Colegio Femenino Espejo, Colegio Ilinizas, Colegio Paulo Freire, Colegio Emilio Uzcátegui, Colegio Andino, Colegio San Francisco de Sales, Liceo Los Álamos, Colegio Saint Patrick, Colegio Letort, Colegio Aristóteles, Colegio Nacional Eloy Alfaro, Colegio América Latina, Colegio El Sauce, Colegio Andrew, Colegio Pérez Pallares, Colegio La Inmaculada, Colegio El Cebollar La Salle, Colegio Charles Darwin, Instituto Ernesto Guevara. In addition, the event was attended by the "Traffic Light Circle" and "The Crows".


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