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World March for Peace and Nonviolence presented at the United Nations

United States New York | May 07, 2009 18:00
International spokesperson Rafael de la Rubia gathers support for the World March from Delegates and NGOs at the inaugural presentation of the march to the United Nations.

The Chilean Mission to the United Nations organized the first presentation of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence inviting international spokesperson Rafael de la Rubia, President of World Without Wars (Spain) to address UN Delegates of the Third Committee and NGOs from the NPT PrepCom.

De la Rubia explained the background and objectives of the March and the growing list of international endorsers including Presidents Michelle Bachelet and Cristina Kirchner and the hundreds of diverse and well-known personalities, organizations, and educational institutions from all the continents.

Summarizing his reasons for coming to the United Nations, de la Rubia said: “The World March has the basic objectives of creating global awareness that peace is the only pathway forward and that today it’s necessary to accompany this peace with the methodology of nonviolence so that we may truly pass into a new stage for Humanity."

De la Rubia proposed that the Heads of State endorsing the World March make a joint declaration of support at the opening of the next UN General Assembly in September. Another vital connection with the UN is the date when the march begins, October 2nd, the International Day of Non-violence as declared by the United Nations. He added, "on December 1st, the World Marchers will bring their message directly to the United Nations after two months of traveling through several continents."

Delegates attending from countries such as Argentina, China, Iran, Uruguay, Syria, Guatemala, Poland and Burkina Faso were receptive to the March and promised to take the information back to their respective governments.

Gladys Acosta, Chief of UNIFEM, Latin America and the Caribbean, expressed enthusiastic support for the March connecting it to their worldwide campaign, "Say No to Violence Against Women". Similar endoresements were offered by other NGOs on the spot.

Subsequently first contacts were made with the Chinese delegation in order to define a way forward to facilitate the passage of the World March through China.

Belén Sapag of the Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations gave the opening remarks explaining Chile's interest in supporting the march. She also introduced US World March spokesperson, Chris Wells who gave a brief introduction about the significance of a world march that promoted peace and nonviolence that will "give voice to the silent ones".

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence will officially begin on October 2, 2009 in Wellington, New Zealand and end on January 2, 2010 in the Andes after passing through 7 continents. theworldmarch.org


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