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The Invisibles arrive in Venezuela!

Venezuela Caracas | July 11, 2009 21:00
On Saturday 11th of July 2009 in Caracas, as part of the multiple activities that in Venezuela and the world are being done in the frame of the World March, a street action of intervention and sensitisation called “The invisibles” took place.

The activity took place from 3pm in a busy avenue at the exit of the metro station. During the development of the activity a group of young volunteers dressed completely in white and covering this faces with masks stood in front of the traffic and in the pedestrian cross streets during the red lights, while a part of the group participating in the activity distributed leaflets and flyers to those crossing the streets.

Towards the end of the afternoon "The invisibles" headed off with their posters in a silent march towards their final destiny, the Brion de Chacaito square where a large numbers of Caracas residents set to taking photographs and videos with their cell phones.

This activity which has previously been carried out by World March activists in Italy, the Czech Republic and Spain, has the aim to call attention to the fact that although the great majority of the planets citizens yearn for an end to wars, the arms race and different forms of violence and instead want peace, it seems that they are invisible for ruling politicians everywhere as they continue spending enormous sums of money on nuclear and conventional weapons.


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