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Seeking partner schools for an exchange activity with French & English schools in Canada

Canada Montreal | July 25, 2009 04:13
In 2008, the 'Reseau International humaniste (RIH)' set up an educational program on Nonviolence and introduced it to five elementary schools in Laval, near Montreal (Quebec). Over the year, the program proved a success, and now the RIH has connected it to the World March.

A Teachers' Federation that includes thousands of teachers is interested in promoting the program with all their members this fall. The program will offer an exchange activity with schools and classes from other countries that are also participating in the World March. In September, students from all classes and schools who are participating in the program will create a collective banner that represents what Peace and Nonviolence means to them, and in October, the Canadian classes will exchange their banners with the classes to which they are partnered.

The RIH is now seeking four French-speaking elementary schools from anywhere in the world to be partnered with the following schools:

School «la Traverse», School «Equipage», School «l'Odyssée», School «l'escalade»

For more information or to enlist in the exchange program with schools in Canada, please write to: [email protected]

Please note that the email address of the teacher responsible from each school is required.

The world March

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