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Marking the Japanese nuclear explosions in Israel

Israel Tel Aviv | August 07, 2009 02:44
Organised by the WM organising committee in Israel together with Greenpeace, on the 4th of August the anniversary of the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was commemorated in Tel Aviv.

Throughout the afternoon there was a display of photos from Hiroshima and a showing of the film "A Mother's Prayer", following by a panel discussion about Nuclear Strength and Activism, moderated by Aviv Sela who also spoke about anti-nuclear activities in Germany.  On the panel former MP Is'am Maj'ul spoke about the urgent need for the Middle East to be clean of nuclear weapons.  Gideon Spiro, from the Committee for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapon disarmament in the Middle East spoke about anti-nuclear activism in Israel.  Sharon Dolev from the Greenpeace Disarmament Campaign and the Antinuclear Movement spoke about the need for an anti-nuclear movement in Israel and the world in general, and finally Aaron Elberg presented the World March.

The panellists and various others present endorsed the WM and promised their support when it passes through the Middle East during October.

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