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Support for Obama In suspending the Anti-Missile Shield

Spain Madrid | September 18, 2009 09:38
Today, the 17th September 2009, with just a few days to go before the start of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, US President, Barack Obama, has announced the suspension of the anti-missile shield project in central Europe, better known as “star wars”.

It is a very important gesture of détente and peace by President Obama and we want to highlight it and applaud it around the world.  We support all efforts of the US President to advance towards global nuclear disarmament.

We applaud the courage of the Czech people who have sustained the fight against the defence shield through recent years maintaining their opposition to the Defence project with protests, marches, hunger strikes and all forms of non-violent struggle.  We recall the denunciation by Jan Tamas, leader of the non-violent movement against the bases in the Czech Republic when he explained that this is not a defensive project but rather an offensive one because it would allow nuclear attacks to be launched leaving an enemy unable to respond, something that would oblige Russia to start an arms race.

This gesture by President Obama shows that a great moral strength is being born to confront the violence of global economic powers and the power of the military-industrial complex that today operate out of the control of nation states.

We celebrate this news and we invite Barack Obama to support the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, something that has already been done by almost 20 National Presidents and Governments of the World.

World without Wars

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