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The first kilometers marked by Montserrat Ponsa, member of the base team

Spain Ametlla del Vallés (Barcelona) | September 25, 2009 02:18
Periodista, juez de paz y única catalana que hará todo el recorrido, ha reunido a sus paisanos junto a personalidades de diferentes ámbitos en su particular comienzo de esta Marcha, en la que participa como enviada de Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Sunday, September 20, close to 400 people walked from the town square of L'Ametlla del Vallès (Barcelona) to the airfield of Llerona.  The event was organized by the local municipalities of L'Ametlla, la Garriga y Les Franqueses del Vallès to honor Monserrat Ponsa, who will be the only Catalan member of the base team of the March for Peace and Nonviolence that will begin in New Zealand the 2nd of October.

The event began with speeches by Jordi Pousa, mayor of l'Ametlla, Montserrat Ponsa, justice of the peace of Vallès, Magda Burguera, representative of the organization Mundo sin Guerras, and Martí Olivella of Nova, standing in for Federico Mayor Zaragoza, who was unable to attend due to illness.

Among the dignitaries present was Pasqual Maragall, former president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, who is presently involved in the promotion of the Fundación Pasqual Maragall, an organization devoted to Alzheimer's research. Representatives of other municipal governments and the Autonomous Government of Catalonia also attended the ceremony.

Numerous friends and neighbors of Monserrat Ponsa participated in the nearly 4 kilometer march, many wearing World March T-shirts distributed by l'Ametlla town hall. The event, which included the distribution of information about the march and provided the opportunity for interested people to sign on, was concluded with a cello interpretation of the beautiful Catalan "El cant dels ocells" (Song of the Birds) and a spirited, traditional "batukada" drum send-off.

Montserrat Ponsa's World March blog

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