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March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information
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Ireland Kilkenny | September 23, 2009 11:30
To promote the World March for Peace and Non-violence the Kilkenny World March Promoting Team held a screening of the film “Soldiers of peace”. Tim Wise the Australian director kindly offered the oppurtinity of his film's screening to support the World March around the globe. The screening was hosted by Billy Byrne’s Pub on the 22nd September in Kilkenny city, Ireland.

 Krisztina Dragoman Irish coordinator of the World March gave an introductory speech of the aims of the march prior the screening of the film. The talk and the film had a very positive impact on the audience. People were visibly moved by the strong and courageous message of possible peace and reconciliation between people and different religious and ethnic groups that would normally be enemies. The evening was a great success and resulted a greater awareness and understanding of the aims of the World March.

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