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Atapuerca and Santillana del Mar, archaeological heritage sites, endorse the World March

Spain Atapuerca y Santillana | May 18, 2009 02:12
Both Spanish councils, internationally know for their prehistoric archaeological importance for Humanity are betting on the future, supporting the publicising of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in their respective musical festivals: the II Atapercu International Percussion Festival and the X Infrequent Music Festival.

Santillana del Mar, where the Altamira caves are to be found, known as the Sistine Chapel of Prehistoric Art, has enthusiastically endorsed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

This was expressed by Mayor Isidoro Rabago, who stated that "in the 21st century all of us must contribute with our grain of sand to build a just society".  Rabago also underlined as the reasons for his endorsement the need to struggle "solely through the strength of the words".

In addition, Atapuerca Council in Burgos, another site closely linked to human history because of its archaeological deposits, has also announced its support of the March.  Mayor Fernando Gomez Aguado, has subscribed to the principle of this initiative that emphasises the pressing need for disarmament and has affirmed that it's precisely wars that "have caused so much damage to humanity and that, in many cases, have changed the course of evolution", something that Atapuerca feels especially linked.


In addition, Ernesto Schmied, director of the musical festival that are taking place in both towns during the summer, has promised to make the widest possible dissemination of the March during these events.  They are FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE PERCUSIÓN ATAPERCU (Atapuerca, on the 16th to the 19th of July) and the FESTIVAL MÚSICA INFRECUENTE, (Santillana del Mar, between the 4th and 11th of September).

So, two places especially linked to human evolution will put their efforts - through art - in the publicising of this initiative that is aspiring, in the words of its organisers, to leave behind violence as "a stage in human prehistory".


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