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Gender and Development Minister in Liberia endorses the World March

Monrovia | February 18, 2009 08:55
In February, various presentations of the March were made in this country that has suffered so many consequences of war. Among others, the Gender and Development Minister, Vabah G. Gayflo, endorsed the March.

In a long series of presentations of the March in Liberia, 11 endorsement videos were made; Vabah G. Gayflor (Gender and Development Minister), Julie Endee (Cultural Ambassador, traditional kingdom), Daniel Acheson (President of the Civil Society Movement, an association of all the trade unions), Moses S. Tandanpolie (Member of Parliament), Tokay Tomah Kailie (Musician and executive Director of Woman Aid Society), George Sie Williams (President of the Students Union at the University of Liberia), Amos Monweh (President of the youth association, Global Students Development Program), John Y. Jukon (National President of LINKK, an association of more than 250 NGOs), Reverend Geegbe (from the Church of God of Prophecy), Aryee K. Williams (President of the Community Policing Forum) y Hh Zaizay (TV and radio presenter).

In addition to this, many organisations endorsed the World March: Fanima Islamic School, Combatstress School, anti-violence youth groups, the International network of Women for Peace.

The radio station: One Mission in Liberia broadcast a live interview on the 18th of February with members of the Promotion Team to invite people to the Grand Launch on the 21st of March.  This generated lots of interest from the listeners who started calling for more information.

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