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Portugal and Spain joined by a Peace Bridge

Portugal Valença do Minho | June 17, 2009 07:26
On the 16th of June, volunteers from both sides of the Spain-Portugal border gathered to hold hands across the old International Bridge in support of the WM.

This morning, more than 500 people from the border towns of Tui and Valença do Minho formed a human chain in support of the WM which will cross the border from Portugal into Spain on the 1st of November.

Delegations from Lusos and Tudenses colleges, including students, teachers and parents met on the old International Bridge with the WM Promotion Team to show their support of the initiative. 

From the Spanish side, delegations came from the Colleges of Pazos de Reis, CRA, San Xerónimo Emiliani, O Pelouro, CEIP Nº 1, Rebordáns, Caldelas and Maristas.  There were also people present from the Tui Social Centre and the local authorities of the zone.

Around 11am, the Portuguese contingent met the Spanish contingent around the old border crossing to prepare a banner with the slogan "Peace Bridge" that was then carried to the international bridge.

The Activity benefited from the collaboration with the Tui and Valença do Minho councils.

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