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March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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Streaming Video | High Quality Video

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Total video: 478 | Video selected: 77 | Order by: Language | Country | Data | Last received

  Language Type Size (MB) Title Country Data
SPA mpg 157.0 Leo Jiménez Spain 16/09/2009
ENG mp4 28.0 on the road Deutschland 16/09/2009
SPA mpg 79.9 Adesão de João Signorelli o ator que interpreta Gandhi no teatro Brazil 21/09/2009
SPA mov 1549.8 Adhesión del presidente de Ecuador Rafael Correa ECUADOR 23/09/2009
SPA avi 333.0 Lucie Vachova support the World March Czech 29/09/2009
SPA avi 490.0 Kveta Fialova support the World March Czech 30/09/2009
SPA avi 1134.0 Ondřej Brzobohatý support the World March Czech 30/09/2009
SPA zip 43.0 Sintesi dei testimonials Italia Italy 07/10/2009
SPA wmv 102.0 The boxer Lukas Konecny - Intercontinental champion Czech 10/10/2009
FRA mpg 335.0 Danielle Mitterrand apoya la Marcha Mundial Francia 15/10/2009
SPA mp4 28.0 Alyn Ware Organizador de la Marcha Mundial en N.Zelanda, premio Nobel alternativo -2009-Subt ESP_baj New Zeland 15/10/2009
ENG mpeg 57.0 Alyn Ware Organizador de la Marcha Mundial en N.Zelanda, premio Nobel alternativo -2009-Subt ESP_ALT Nueva Zelandia 17/10/2009
SPA mpg 342.0 Mensaje de Danielle Mitterrand subtitulado espaniol Francia 17/10/2009
SPA mpg 66.0 Alberto Ammann spain 11/11/2009
SPA mpg 201.0 Parcour por la Marcha Mundial en Madrid Spain 16/11/2009
SPA mpg 198.5 Concierto ZinkinPrim Spain 16/11/2009
CZE mpg 60.0 Vaclav Chalupa - Olympic medalists in rowing Czech 01/12/2009

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