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Streaming Video and Download High Quality videos

March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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Streaming Video | High Quality Video

The Base Team | Endorsements | Video Spot | TV Programs | Video Bulletin | Activities | Other
Total video: 478 | Video selected: 214 | Order by: Language | Country | Data | Last received

  Language Type Size (MB) Title Country Data
SPA mpg 537.0 Washington DC (20-12-2009) USA 21/12/2009
SPA mpg 60.0 A New York Base Team Videoclip USA 11/01/2010
SPA mpg 263.0 World March from San Diego to Tijuana USA-Mexico 06/12/2009
SPA mpg 0.0 Octubre 2009 Video Clip del Equipo Base world 02/12/2009

8 / 8

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