الأربعاء 17 يوليوز 2024 Bookmark and Share
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Mladinski center Dravinjske doline
Mladinski center Dravinjske doline
Slovenia | مواضيع أخرى
Youth Center in Slovenske Konjice  ...انظر؟
Association Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence
Association Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence
Morocco | النشاط |
Stan van Houcke
Stan van Houcke
Netherlands | الصحافة و الإعلام
Stan van Houcke is journalist and writer. He was reporter for Stad/Radio Amsterdam and the VPRO national radio. His wrote the book ‘The endless War’. In 2003 he got the Prize for “Journalist for Peace” from the Humanistisch Vredesberaad (Humanist Peace Counceling).  ...انظر؟
Municipality of Umag
Municipality of Umag
Croatia | الجهات
Municipality of Umag, Croatia  ...انظر؟
Justicia y Paz de Madrid
Justicia y Paz de Madrid
Spain | حقوق الإنسان
La Comisión Diocesana Justicia y Paz de Madrid es un organismo de la Iglesia en la Diócesis de Madrid cuya misión es promover y defender los derechos humanos, la justicia y la paz. Participamos en instituciones de la Iglesia, en plataformas civiles y en organizaciones sociales.  ...انظر؟
Isabel Bonig Trigueros
Isabel Bonig Trigueros
Spain | الجهات
Asociatia Il
Asociatia Il "Chiccho"
Romania | التربية
"IL Chicco" is an non-governamental organisation, non-profit, non-political, based on christian principles. The "IL Chicco" mission is protection, care, education and prepay for social professional integration of social disadvantage persons.  ...انظر؟
Pedro Abrunhosa
Pedro Abrunhosa
Portugal | الموسيقى
Fernando Nobre
Fernando Nobre
Portugal | الصحة |
Presidente da AMI - Assistência Médica Internacional  ...انظر؟
Universidade do Porto
Universidade do Porto
Portugal | التربية

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