الأربعاء 17 يوليوز 2024 Bookmark and Share
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Bosnia & Herzegovina | تلفزة-سينما-مسرخ
Street performance “UNITED” is a scream which has a goal to assemble, in its echo, one line of people, young and old, men and women, all nationalities, religions, hight and weight, all skin and hair colours, people with all titles and knowledge, form all regions of BiH, cities and villages, people who had enough that someone is placing them in the same frame with other creatures with whom they do not have anything in common except their name or last name etymology.  ...انظر؟
Ferida Duraković
Ferida Duraković
Bosnia & Herzegovina | الأدب
Poetry of Sarajevo, she has written numerous books.  ...انظر؟
Jovan Divjak
Jovan Divjak
Bosnia & Herzegovina | النشاط
Jovan Divjak was a Bosnian general in the Bosnian army during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. He was the deputy commander of the Main Staff until 1994. Today, Divjak is the executive director of the association OGBH, "OBRAZOVANJE GRADI BIH" (Education builds Bosnia and Herzegovina).  ...انظر؟
Nela Đenisijević
Nela Đenisijević
Bosnia & Herzegovina | تلفزة-سينما-مسرخ
Actress  ...انظر؟
Bosnia & Herzegovina | الموسيقى
Rock group from Sarajevo  ...انظر؟
Kids' festival
Kids' festival
Bosnia & Herzegovina | التربية
The Kids' Festival in Sarajevo is the largest dedicated to bringing children together from all ethnicities in the Balkan region. It attracts more than 40,000 excited young participants and provides the perfect mix of entertainment and education.  ...انظر؟
Emir & Frozen Camels
Emir & Frozen Camels
Bosnia & Herzegovina | الموسيقى
Rock group  ...انظر؟
NZ Indian Central Association Inc.
NZ Indian Central Association Inc.
New Zealand | مواضيع أخرى
The NZ Indian Central Association was started in 1927 in Hamilton. Today it has 10 core branches and 7 affiliated branches.  ...انظر؟
Federation of Islamic Associations of NZ
Federation of Islamic Associations of NZ
New Zealand | الدين و الروحانيات
"The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand was established in 1979 and is a federation of several regional New Zealand Muslim Associations. Our Secretariat is located in our headquarters in Wellington. In addition to providing a unified voice for the New Zealand Muslim community and an internationally recognised Halal certification procedure our objectives may be summed up as follows: To establish and maintain the highest standard of Islamic practice in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah, to undertake Daw'ah, education, welfare and other Islamic activities, to assist in the development, and strengthen the unity, of the Muslim community of New Zealand, to  ...انظر؟
Uki Tolosa
Uki Tolosa
Argentina | الموسيقى
Nació en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. En su adolescencia participó del nacimiento de rock nacional, tocando en distintas bandas. A principios del 78 con su amigo Coco Romero plasman un proyecto al que denominan La Fuente, y trabajan en la música y las letras de los temas que interpretan, basados en su percepción de la realidad argentina y sudamericana de aquel momento. La banda se inserta en lo que se denominó movimiento "under o subterráneo". El grupo logra un sonido particular con la fusión de sonoridades y coloraturas de folk latinoamericano con la fuerza y el espíritu que hasta ese momento solo podía atribuirse al rock. La banda produjo tres registros discográficos  ...انظر؟

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