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Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo
Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo
Argentina | مواضيع أخرى
'La Asociación Civil Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo es una organización de derechos humanos que tiene como finalidad localizar y restituir a sus legítimas familias todos los niños secuestrados-desaparecidos por la última la dictadura militar (1976-1983), crear las condiciones para prevenir la comisión de ese crimen de lesa humanidad y obtener el castigo correspondiente para todos los responsables. Está presidida por Estela Barnes de Carlotto y tiene su sede central en Buenos Aires. El 12 de mayo de 2008 fueron nominadas al Premio Nobel de la Paz.  ...انظر؟
José Manuel Ramos-Horta
José Manuel Ramos-Horta
Timor | الحاصلين على جائزة نوبل
José Manuel Ramos-Horta es el segundo presidente del Timor Oriental desde su independencia de Indonesia. Compartió el Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1996 y fue Primer Ministro desde el año 2006 hasta su asunción como Presidente tras ganar la elección presidencial de Timor Oriental en el año 2007.  ...انظر؟
Mayors for Peace
Mayors for Peace
Japan | السلام و الاعنف
Alcaldes por la Paz, establecida en 1982 como una organización internacional de ciudades dedicada a promover la paz. El actual alcalde de Hiroshima, Tadatoshi Akiba, es el Presidente de la organización. Cuando se unen nuevos miembros eso significa que apoyan las negociaciones para la eliminación de las armas nucleares para el año 2020.  ...انظر؟
Abolition 2000
Abolition 2000
Canada | السلام و الاعنف
Abolition 2000 es una red mundial internacional que trabaja por un tratado para eliminar las armas nucleares dentro de un plazo de tiempo limitado. Está abierta para todas aquellas organizaciones que aprueben la Declaración de Abolition 2000. La Red tiene como objetivo brindarle un foro a los grupos involucrados con cuestiones nucleares para el intercambio de información y desarrollo de iniciativas conjuntas.  ...انظر؟
Ekta Parishad
Ekta Parishad
India | النشاط
A people’s movement whose aim is to see India’s poorest people gain control over livelihood resources, especially land, water and forest, all through non-violent principles of action. In 2007, they organized the largest-ever march across India, with 25,000 people.  ...انظر؟
Italy | الصحة
Emergency ha lo scopo di promuovere una cultura di pace e di solidarietà, tutelare i diritti umani, intervenire nelle zone di guerra con iniziative umanitarie in favore delle vittime – in particolare civili – dei conflitti armati, dei feriti e di tutti coloro che soffrono altre conseguenze sociali dei conflitti o della povertà quali fame, malnutrizione, malattie, assenza di cure mediche e di istruzione e portare soccorso alle vittime di calamità naturali.  ...انظر؟
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
United Kingdom | الحاصلين على جائزة نوبل
She co-founded the Community for Peace People in Northen Ireland. With Betty Williams she organised a march with 35,000 people onto the streets of Belfast petitioning for peace between the republican and loyalist factions. She believed the most effective way to end the violence was not violence but re-education. She received the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize, along with Betty Williams, for their efforts. She continues her work as a member of a pro-life group, a network of Women Nobel Peace laureates and participating in trying to bring an end to the violence between Israel and Palestine.  ...انظر؟
Ed Asner
Ed Asner
United States | تلفزة-سينما-مسرخ
Ed Asner is an American film and television actor and former President of the Screen Actors Guild, primarily known for his role as Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and in the recent film "Up.". He has won 5 Golden Globes & is a tireless advocate for peace and justice.  ...انظر؟
Green Cross International
Green Cross International
Switzerland | النشاط
The mission of Green Cross International is to help ensure a just, sustainable and secure future for all by fostering a value shift and cultivating a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility in humanity's relationship with nature. The human relationship with nature crosses all boundaries and transcends all ideas of class, which necessitates a solution that goes beyond good governance and good policy, and hinges on the shared responsibility for a sustainable and just future for all.  ...انظر؟
Julie Christie
Julie Christie
United Kingdom | تلفزة-سينما-مسرخ
Internationally acclaimed British actress. In 2008, she received her fourth Oscar nomination. She appeared at the ceremony wearing a pin calling for the closure of the prison in Guantanamo Bay. Christie won the Best Actress Award from the National Board of Review for her performance in Away From Her. She also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role and the Genie Award for Best Actress. She is also an 'Ambassador' for Survival International. She is active in various causes, including animal rights, environmental protection, the anti-nuclear power movement and is also a Patron of the Palestine So  ...انظر؟

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