الجمعة 26 أبريل 2024 Bookmark and Share
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The Base Team (Streaming Video)

مر 93 من أيام المسيرة!
2 أكتوبر 2009
2 يناير 2010

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مجموع الافلام 337 | اطلب من اللغة | البلد | التاريح | اخر ما وصل

البلد: - | 26° Arrivo del equipe base a Bolivia - Paraguay - Uruguay | 3:25

اللغة الفترة العنوان البلد التاريح
1:30 Welcome to Manila PHL 07/10/2009
Manila welcome the World March
1:30 Manila Beginning March PHL 07/10/2009
3:56 Taguig University PHL 08/10/2009
3:21 The biggest human peace sign in the world in Lucena PHL 10/10/2009
The biggest human peace sign in the world in Lucena (Philippines). 7 October 2009. World March for Peace and Non-Violence.
2:40 Dhaka - Beyond out differences, we are ONE BGD 11/10/2009
Beyond out differences, we are ONE by Isabelle. Dhaka (Bangladesh). 9 October 2009.
4:44 Jornadas por la Paz en Israel - Kibutz Holit ISR 07/10/2009
Marcha y acto realizados en el Kibutz Holit, a lado de la Franja de Gaza. Actividad de la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No Violencia, 7 de octubre 2009.
3:34 Base Team in Kathmandu NPL 12/10/2009
Base Team in Kathmandu (Nepal), 10 October 2009
2:58 Katmandu, Cam2. NPL 12/10/2009
2nd video base team in Kathmandu (Nepal) by Isabelle, 10 October 2009.
2:46 Korea Neutral Zone. 16-10-2009 KOR 17/10/2009
4:19 In Kyoto, Japan by Isabelle (18-10-2009) JPN 19/10/2009
Base Team in Kyoto, Japan by Isabelle
1:21 Equipo Base de Oriente Medio en Antioquia TUR 21/10/2009
Video del equipo Base de Oriente Medio en Antioquia (Turquia) - Video of Base Team of Midle East at Antioquia (Turkey)
2:21 World March in Moscow RUS 23/10/2009
The biggest challenge of the World March in Moscow: the metro - By Isabelle
3:39 Turkey Team in Diyarbakir (19-10-2009) TUR 23/10/2009
Turkey Team in Diyarbakir (19-10-2009)
03:54 Cairo, Egypt. World March Presentation EGY 23/10/2009
Presentation of the World March, Sawi Cultural Well, Cairo, 5th of October 2009
2:02 Saint Petersburg (24-10-2009) RUS 25/10/2009
Saint Petersburg (24-10-2009)

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