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পরিভ্রমণ দিন 93 !
০২ অক্টোবর ২০০৯
০২ জানুয়ারী ২০১০

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্যসমূহ

আমরা দ‘:খিত... এই শব্দ আপনার ভাষায় এখনও অনুবাদ করা হয়নি.

World Without Wars promotes and supports all kinds of ideas and actions aimed at bringing an end to war in our world. Its methodology of action is based on Active Nonviolence.

In 1995 founder Rafael de la Rubia introduced World Without Wars (WWW) on the international level at the "Open Encounter of Humanism" at the University of Santiago in Chile, a gathering attended by delegates from 50 countries.

Since then, WWW has been active developing diverse activities in countries on all five continents. Over the last year efforts have been focused on the campaign for worldwide nuclear disarmament.

WWW takes its inspiration from the philosophy of Universalist Humanism and the doctrine of all of its predecessors, who were convinced of the possibility of building a world without violence.

WWW subscribes to and promotes the "Humanist Document" whose main points are:

  • Condemnation of physical violence, whose maximum expression is war, and of all other forms of violence: economic, racial, religious and sexual.
  • Affirmation of freedom of thought and diversity of beliefs for all human beings.
  • Development of science and all knowledge at the service of life.
  • Recognition of personal, ethnic, racial and cultural diversity throughout the world.
  • Affirmation of the equality of all human beings.
  • Considering the human being as the central value and concern.

Proposes that the great majority of human beings do not want war, but at the same time believe it is impossible to eliminate it. Therefore, in addition to carrying out social actions, it understands that it is necessary to work to change people's beliefs about this supposedly immutable reality.

Understands the meaning of history as:

  • A constant struggle to overcome pain and suffering on the personal and social levels, in order to achieve happiness, freedom, and joy of life.
  • An uninterrupted struggle across the millennia to transform the natural environment into an environment suitable for human life, and the social environment into an environment propitious for the unlimited development of the human being.
  • When war has been eliminated, humanity will leave prehistory behind, and take a giant step forward on the path of human evolution.

In each country, city and neighborhood WWW is organized in Base Groups that propose Platforms for Disarmament consistent with these ideas, freely planning and developing their own activities.

In addition to local and national actions, WWW promotes the following campaigns, among others, at the international level: Europe For Peace, Europe Without Nuclear Arms, Mediterranean Without Nuclear Arms, Latin America Free of War.

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