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Naiset Rauhan Puolesta (Women For Peace)
Naiset Rauhan Puolesta (Women For Peace)
Finland | Friede und Gewaltfreiheit
Women for Peace work for a peace culture. We oppose the development, production and spreading of all kinds of weapons and the militarization of women in all different forms as well as the militarization of society at large.  ...Ansehen ?
Naiset Atomivoimaa Vastaan (Women Against Nuclear Power)
Naiset Atomivoimaa Vastaan (Women Against Nuclear Power)
Finland | Ökologie
Women Against Nuclear Power informs about the risks of nuclear industry, uranium mining and the unsolved nuclear waste repository. We work close with international groups.  ...Ansehen ?
Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat (Finnish Peace Committee)
Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat (Finnish Peace Committee)
Finland | Friede und Gewaltfreiheit
Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat (Finnish Peace Committee), founded 1949, works for peace, disarmament, tolerance, human rights and worldwide equality. The organization is a member of International Peace Bureau.  ...Ansehen ?
Rauhanliitto (Peace Union of Finland)
Rauhanliitto (Peace Union of Finland)
Finland | Friede und Gewaltfreiheit
Peace Union of Finland, founded 1920, is an umbrella organisation of over ten Finnish peace organisations, from conscientious objectors to Christian peace movement. The Peace Union is an active member of the International Peace Bureau.  ...Ansehen ?
Sadankomitea (Committee of 100 in Finland)
Sadankomitea (Committee of 100 in Finland)
Finland | Friede und Gewaltfreiheit
The Committee of 100 in Finland is a pacifistic, anti-militaristic, politically and religiously independent peace organisation, founded in 1963. The main goals of the Committee of 100 are disarmament, abolishment of universal conscription, and demilitarisation of society.  ...Ansehen ?
Taiteilijat Rauhan Puolesta (Artists For Peace)
Taiteilijat Rauhan Puolesta (Artists For Peace)
Finland | Friede und Gewaltfreiheit
Pand- Artist for peace was founded in 1983 and is an independent organization for artists and cultural people wishing to work for disarmament, peace and human rights. We arrange events and campaigns to spread the idea of peace, and we cooperate with other organizations of artists, peace and human rights as well as support progress in developing countries and cultural exchange. Our organization is a member of the international movement for peace, Pand International (Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament).  ...Ansehen ?
Suomen Amma-keskus
Suomen Amma-keskus
Finland | Religion und Spiritualität
Founded 1998, the organization works to spread information about the actions, teachings and spiritual practices by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi in Finland and organize her and her students' visits in Finland, in close cooperation with Mata Amritanandamayi Math, India.  ...Ansehen ?
Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto (Union of Conscientious Objectors)
Aseistakieltäytyjäliitto (Union of Conscientious Objectors)
Finland | Friede und Gewaltfreiheit
AKL, founded in 1974, is an antimilitaristic peace organization. It furthers the interests of the conscious objectors, but it also acts as an open antimilitaristic youth organization.  ...Ansehen ?
Com. Nacl. Derechos Humanos, Republica Dominicana
Com. Nacl. Derechos Humanos, Republica Dominicana
Dominican Republic | Menschenrechte
 ...Ansehen ?
École de Nené Faye
École de Nené Faye
Senegal | Bildung
École dans la ville de Rufisque.  ...Ansehen ?

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