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Moving towards peace and nonviolence in Israel
Israel | October 02, 2009 05:00 |
The Nonviolence Fair, held as a kickoff event for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, took place in Cinemateque Square in Tel Aviv, Israel. The fair was organized by the group Greenpeace and the Humanist Movement, together with the participation of 20 Israeli non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in different areas of nonviolence.  ...View?

Adesione ufficiale dei Radicali Italiani alla Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza.
Italy | October 01, 2009 15:50 |
Adesione ufficiale dei Radicali Italiani alla Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza.  ...View?

La Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza inizia il 2 Ottobre anche in Toscana
Italy | October 01, 2009 14:46
Conferenza Stampa di lancio delle iniziative che si svolgeranno il 2 Ottobre in Toscana.  ...View?

The Moriori People pass a “peace baton” to World March spokesperson, Rafael de la Rubia.
New Zealand | September 30, 2009 16:00 |
Mana Cracknell, spiritual chief of the Moriori people, offers a peace baton to the World March during ceremony held in Rehoku Island.  ...View?

La fédération Autonome de l'enseignement (FAE) se joint à la Marche
Canada | September 28, 2009 21:29 |

Fiesta de la bicicleta dedicada a la Marcha por la Paz
Spain | September 28, 2009 15:00 |
Se ha celebrado el pasado domingo 27 de septiembre a partir de las 10 h. la fiesta anual de la bici en este pueblo de la periferia madrileña. Se estima en más de 2.000 los vecinos participantes y en cuyos dorsales figuraba el logo de la Marcha. Al finalizar el evento, se leyó un manifiesto sobre esta iniciativa planetaria a favor de la paz y la no-violencia.  ...View?

Gran mural participativo, con voluntarios de todas las edades
Argentina | September 28, 2009 09:56 |
La actividad sumó color al ya colorido y tradicional barrio de La Boca  ...View?

Reception for the first members of the Base Team in New Zealand
New Zealand | September 27, 2009 03:36 |
KAMURANGI KI KAIPARA KAPAHAKA ROOPU, a maorí folklore group gave a warm welcome to the first members of the World March Base Team to arrive in Aotearoa (New Zealand).  ...View?

La Marche Mondiale défile à Perpignan
France | September 27, 2009 01:00 |
La Marche Mondiale défile avec Handicap International  ...View?

Coordinator and other members of the Base Team leave Madrid and head for New Zealand
Spain | September 26, 2009 02:40 |
Rafael de la Rubia, coordinator of the March, left Madrid together with other members of the Base Team on their journey to New Zealand to prepare for the start of the March.  ...View?

Planting for Peace
| September 25, 2009 14:04 |
The organisation “Women for a Change” have organised a global tree planting initiative to celebrate the start of the World March.  ...View?

The first kilometers marked by Montserrat Ponsa, member of the base team
Spain | September 25, 2009 02:18 |
Periodista, juez de paz y única catalana que hará todo el recorrido, ha reunido a sus paisanos junto a personalidades de diferentes ámbitos en su particular comienzo de esta Marcha, en la que participa como enviada de Federico Mayor Zaragoza  ...View?

New song "Rainbow" will support the World March
Czech Republic | September 24, 2009 13:05 |
The new song "Rainbow" produced by the singer and guitarist Honza Vlasák (known as Vivian) will support the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.  ...View?

Marching towards peace with Nobel Prize winners and Umberto Veronesi
Italy | September 24, 2009 03:51 |
Today, in Rome, Umberto Veronesi and Luisa Morgantini participated in the World March presentation that will reach the Italian capital on the 12th of November. The day before a delegation will participate in the World Summit for Nobel Peace Laureates in Berlin, where Silo, founder of the Humanist Movement, will present the March’s profound roots and motivations.  ...View?

Trees for Peace and Nonviolence in Caracas
Venezuela | September 24, 2009 00:36 |
Through the initiative of the Governor of the State of Miranda, Venezuela, near the town of Los Salias, a wood of trees was planted to mark the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. It is hoped to be the first of many such woods that will be planted in the future. In October and the following months other plantings will be done.  ...View?

Margherita Hack e la pace
Italy | September 23, 2009 21:34 |
L’astrofisica Margherita Hack, lo scrittore Pino Roveredo, e l’Assessore alle Politiche di Pace della Provincia di Trieste, Dennis Visioli hanno portato il loro messaggio di pace alla conferenza stampa di presentazione della Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza, che si è svolta a Trieste nella prestigiosa cornice dello Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace.  ...View?

Der Weltweiter Marsch war in Siebenbürgen unterwegs
Romania | September 23, 2009 20:47 |
Auf Einladung von Bruder Csaba Böjte, der sich am 23. September dem Marsch angeschlossen hat, besuchte ihn für vier Tage ein Team in Deva. Nachdem Bruder Csaba die Humanisten empfangen hatte, brachte uns Röbert Karda, ein Mitarbeiter des Kinderheims in Deva, zum Kinderheim in Rimetea und and die Uni Klausenburg.  ...View?

Ireland | September 23, 2009 11:30 |
To promote the World March for Peace and Non-violence the Kilkenny World March Promoting Team held a screening of the film “Soldiers of peace”. Tim Wise the Australian director kindly offered the oppurtinity of his film's screening to support the World March around the globe. The screening was hosted by Billy Byrne’s Pub on the 22nd September in Kilkenny city, Ireland.  ...View?

Patronage of Mr Olli Rehn, Member of the European Commission
| September 23, 2009 00:00 |
Commissioner Rehn is happy to grant his patronage to the event of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.  ...View?

Marching in Pyjamas for Nuclear Disarmament
Uruguay | September 22, 2009 14:00 |
In the Uruguayan capital Montevideo, WM activists went to the street to promote events for October 2nd. Local newspaper, El Pais, reported the event.  ...View?

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