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Advertising Campaign Presentation in Spain
Spain | July 25, 2009 03:56 |
The advertising agency JWT Delvico, one of the most important in the world, wanted to contribute to the marketing of the World March, designing a campaign that they will present to the press on the 29th of July in their Madrid offices.  ...View?

Kenyan PM: resources which are spent on constructing weapons can be used to eradicate poverty
Kenya | July 24, 2009 03:26 |
Raila Odinga drew attention to the injustice of military spending when the money could be better spent on eradicating poverty and disease.  ...View?

First meeting between WM organisers and delegated Ministers in Ecuador
Ecuador | July 23, 2009 22:55 |
On the 13th of July the first coordination meeting took place with delegated Ministers invited by the Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic and coordinators of the Institutional Relations and Communications Commissions of the WM in Ecuador.  ...View?

World Marchers to visit Pope Benedict XVI in Rome
Vatican City | July 23, 2009 16:08 |
As the World March goes around the world a number of events will take place at spiritually and religiously significant venues, none more so than the Vatican City where on the 11th of November a delegation of World Marchers will take part in an audience with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.  ...View?

Economics, globalisation and collective peace in Caracas
Venezuela | July 23, 2009 11:45 |
Alfredo Sfeir-Younis, President of the Zambuling Institute for Human Transformation spoke about this theme in an event organised for the World March in Venezuela.  ...View?

The World March introduced in International Water Forum in Istanbul
Turkey | July 23, 2009 03:43 |
During the International Water Forum in Istanbul from 17th until 23rd of March 2009 there has been an alternative forum joined by many environmental organizations form all over the world.  ...View?

“They’re walking for Peace” says Norrköping newspaper ‘nt.se’
Sweden | July 20, 2009 19:12 |
On the 21st of February in “The house of solidarity and culture” in Norrköping, Sweden an interview with the paper nt.se – one of the most serious and widely ready provincial newspapers – took place in which World March activities done and to be done in the short term, were publicised.  ...View?

World March launch in Quito
Ecuador | July 20, 2009 12:27 |
With a symbolic action hundreds of people from children, youth, adults both men and women organised by the Humanist Movement through one of it’s organisms, World without Wars, will officially launch the World March in the city of Quito.  ...View?

Working for a Nuclear Free Zone in Africa
Ghana | July 18, 2009 22:59 |
Organisers of the World March in Ghana today highlighted the issue of the Treaty of Pelindaba to the Deputy Speaker of parliament who promised to investigate and see what could be done to ratify it as soon as possible.  ...View?

Passengers of Peace Boat in talks with promoters of the March in Costa Rica
Costa Rica | July 18, 2009 20:59 |
A total of 30 passengers from Japan on the Peace Boat participated in discussions in the Centre of Friends for Peace in San Jose with members of the World March promotion team. During the talks the promotion video "We fell in love with a word: Peace" was shown.  ...View?

More cranes asking for peace and nonviolence
Argentina | July 18, 2009 10:17 |
Coloured paper birds will be displayed on the 6th of August in public places in various cities.  ...View?

The rhythm of Atapercu'09
Spain | July 17, 2009 05:25 |
During the presentation of the International Percussion Festival, Atapercu'09, the chairman asked for support for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.  ...View?

World March in Tagalog serves 90 million people worldwide
Philippines | July 14, 2009 22:33 |
Tagalog becomes the 27th language of the World March website.  ...View?

World March goes PEACE CAMPING 2009
Greece | July 14, 2009 16:17 |
To promote the WM, a 10 day camping trip is being organized in Greece.  ...View?

One thousand Cranes for Peace
Ecuador | July 14, 2009 12:33 |
The event “One thousand Cranes for Peace” in the Ecuadorean capital was a great success. During three days participants learnt how to make paper cranes and heard the story of Sadako Sasaki, which moved more than one person and filled them with enthusiasm to join the symbolic origami event to proclaim peace in the world. This year the cranes are dedicated to the World March.  ...View?

The Peace and Nonviolence Gang
Ecuador | July 14, 2009 12:01 |
The youth association Semilleros de la No Violencia Activa (The Seeds of Active Nonviolence), together with the National Education Ministry, the local Ministry of Culture, the Head of Public Security in La Mariscal, the local Authority of Quito North zone, COMPINA, Alfredo Perez Guerrero University and the Faculties of Architecture, Design and Art of PUCE launched the Peace and Nonviolence Gang as an initiative to prepare for the World March when it reaches Ecuador.  ...View?

On top of the world in Iceland
Iceland | July 12, 2009 00:12 |
160 people climb 24 mountain peaks in Iceland to put the WM logo on top of all of them!  ...View?

Progress report from Nepal
Nepal | July 11, 2009 23:53 |
Organisations come together to plan the arrival of the World March in the Himalayan country.  ...View?

The Emperor of the Mossi people marching for world peace
Burkina Faso | July 11, 2009 23:23 |
On Friday 3rd of July 2009, Mogho Naaba Baongo, Emperor of the Mossi people (the majority ethnic group in Burkina Faso) endorsed the World March. This endorsement was marked by a special ceremony that took place in the Royal Palace in Ouagadougou, in the presence of the Minister for Promotion of Human Rights, Salamata Sawadogo.  ...View?

The Invisibles arrive in Venezuela!
Venezuela | July 11, 2009 21:00 |
On Saturday 11th of July 2009 in Caracas, as part of the multiple activities that in Venezuela and the world are being done in the frame of the World March, a street action of intervention and sensitisation called “The invisibles” took place.  ...View?

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