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Scotland the Brave! Scotland's First Minister endorses the March
United Kingdom | June 05, 2009 16:59 |
The First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond sends his support to the WM affirming his belief in a world without nuclear weapons.  ...View?

La Marcha Mundial va a la escuela
Argentina | June 05, 2009 07:19 |
Presentación de la Marcha para los alumnos de una escuela de Gran Buenos Aires  ...View?

WM representatives meet with the United Nations Office of Disarmament
United States | June 02, 2009 05:16 |
World March organisers met recently with Sergio Duarte, the United Nations High Representative on Disarmament, and with officials in the United Nations Office of Disarmament.  ...View?

Celebration of world ethics in Helsinki
Finland | June 02, 2009 04:51 |
The annual Helsinki multicultural festival "Global Village" was held on 23rd to the 24th of May. During the festival, WM organisers were actively promoting the World March.  ...View?

Montreal goes to bed for peace
Canada | June 01, 2009 22:06 |
Following the example of John Lennon and Yoko Ono who spent a week in bed in a Montreal hotel in 1969, the Montreal Bed-In is re-enacted.  ...View?

World March website launched in Simplified Chinese
China | May 31, 2009 00:57 |
Chinese becomes the 24th language to be uploaded on the World March website.  ...View?

Concierto Flamenco, bicicletada y plantación de un olivo por la Paz y la No Violencia en Cobeña
Spain | May 30, 2009 02:57 |
Los días 29 y 30 de mayo el Municipio de Cobeña (Madrid, España) vivió momentos especiales, dedicando el buen tiempo a movilizarse por la Marcha Mundial.  ...View?

Federico Mayor Zaragoza launches the World March in his home town
Spain | May 29, 2009 18:51 |
During the third prize-giving of the prizes that bear his name, Federico Mayor Zaragoza encouraged active participation in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in the event that took place in the town he comes from, Tortosa.  ...View?

Artists bed-in for peace in the heart of Prague
Czech Republic | May 29, 2009 05:48 |
A double bed and the music of John Lennon attract attention in the heart of Prague.  ...View?

The Colombian Congress endorses the World March
Colombia | May 27, 2009 08:55 |
According to Senate sources in Bogota, today Congress endorsed the World March.  ...View?

Gandhi Walk Commemorates Anniversary of Salt March
Canada | May 27, 2009 05:15 |
World March in Canada joins with Vishnu Mandir Temple to celebrate "legendary event in the history of nonviolence"  ...View?

Intercultural Day in Reykjavik celebrates diversity and promotes the WM
Iceland | May 26, 2009 21:47 |
A new initiative sponsored by Reykjavik city council this year took the themes of the World March and aims to become an annual event celebrating the city’s diversity.  ...View?

Queen Rania: I hope each step brings us closer to a world of peace and nonviolence.
Jordan | May 26, 2009 21:12 |
In an important development from the Middle East, news reaches the World March of the endorsement by Queen Rania of Jordan.  ...View?

Colourful festival anticipates the arrival of the WM in Mendoza
Argentina | May 26, 2009 11:34 |
Numerous local artists participated in the gathering.  ...View?

World March weekly spot on Colombian TV
Colombia | May 25, 2009 03:01 |
Caracol TV’s latest TV spot about the World March.  ...View?

Continúa microprograma de TV sobre la Marcha Mundial
| May 24, 2009 03:25 |
Se trata de una producción de 3 minutos de Club Moebius que reproduce un canal de TV por cable.  ...View?

Irene Villa: "No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino"
Spain | May 23, 2009 03:12
Irene Villa, licenciada en periodismo, escritora y víctima del terrorismo, parafraseó a Gandhi en su intervención en la presentación de la Marcha Mundial en el Espacio Ronda de Madrid.  ...View?

Lanzamiento Publico de la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y La No Violencia en la UAEM(Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México).
Mexico | May 23, 2009 02:44 |
Con la presencia de 12 medios de comunicación, se inicia oficialmente la Marcha Mundial en Toluca. En medio de un ambiente festivo y cordial, Los organizadores de Mundo Sin Guerras dieron a conocer los objetivos de la marcha.  ...View?

Concluye el 2º Congreso de Etnología y Humanismo
Mexico | May 23, 2009 01:34 |
Después de tres días de trabajo concluyó el 2º Congreso de Etnología y Humanismo en la ENAH (Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia).  ...View?

President Rafael Correa to resolutely promote Nonviolence
Ecuador | May 22, 2009 20:25 |
In a 50 minute audience, today at 5pm, the President of Ecuador, economist Rafael Correa, spoke with much joy and fraternity to Rafael de la Rubia and Tomas Hirsch, to express his resolute commitment to the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.  ...View?

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