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“Our goal is to have the greatest demonstration in history in favor of Peace and Nonviolence”
Spain | May 14, 2009 18:00 |
These were the words expressed by Rafael de la Rubia, president of World Without Wars and coordinator of the March, in his presentation of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Spain.  ...View?

World March Spokesperson on NY1 Noticias, New York
United States | May 14, 2009 18:00 |
Rafa de la Rubia, spokesperson for the World March appeared today on Spanish language channel NY1 Noticias, a 24 hour news channel focused on New York.  ...View?

Asociaciones y Comerciantes convocan y preparan la Marcha Mundial
Spain | May 14, 2009 11:08 |
La presentación de la Marcha Mundial en A Coruña, el 14 de mayo, organizada por la Asociación 'Agra Humanista', fue posible gracias a la participación ciudadana. Fueron las personas, los comerciantes y las asociaciones del barrio quienes convocaron y se encargaron de todo: Difusión con carteles e invitaciones, local para el acto, sonido, proyector, sillas, mesas y ágape.  ...View?

Karlovy Vary Peace Car
Czech Republic | May 11, 2009 02:09 |
A peace car presented the World March in the spa town of Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic.  ...View?

Firenze: Percorso di Nonviolenza
Italy | May 10, 2009 20:00 |
La Comunità per lo Sviluppo Umano e il Tavolo per la Nonviolenza promuovono il "Percorso per la Nonviolenza"  ...View?

La Marcha Mundial en Feria de las colectividades
Argentina | May 08, 2009 18:36 |
Un grupo de Mensajeros de Silo presentó la Marcha a la concurrencia, recogió adhesiones y abrió nuevas posibilidades de acción a futuro.  ...View?

World March for Peace and Nonviolence presented at the United Nations
United States | May 07, 2009 18:00 |
International spokesperson Rafael de la Rubia gathers support for the World March from Delegates and NGOs at the inaugural presentation of the march to the United Nations.  ...View?

OAS General Secretary meets World March delegation
United States | May 07, 2009 18:00 |
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, welcomed on Wednesday, Rafael de la Rubia, spokesperson for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in a meeting focused on the upcoming OAS General Assembly , June 2-3 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.  ...View?

Presentan la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No-violencia en El Salvador
El Salvador | May 07, 2009 10:51 |
Se realizó el acto oficial de lanzamiento de la Marcha Mundial por la Paz en la capital salvadoreña.  ...View?

Carlos Valderrama: “We want to generate a global consciousness against every form of violence”
Colombia | May 06, 2009 18:00 |
Colombian soccer play, Carlos (The Kid) Valderrama, has endorsed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence inspiring others to participate in his nationally televised video spot asking for the end of wars and for complete nuclear disarmament.  ...View?

El Salvador se une a Marcha por la Paz
El Salvador | May 05, 2009 10:50 |
Precedido por una céntrica marcha y concluyendo con un símbolo de la paz humano, se realizó el acto oficial de lanzamiento de la Marcha Mundial por la Paz en la capital salvadoreña  ...View?

Peace Celebration in Kilkenny, Ireland
Ireland | May 04, 2009 18:00 |
The Kilkenny branch of the World March for Peace and Non Violence, has held its first Peace Celebration locally. A small but enthusiastic crowd turned up at the Canal Square, Kilkenny, on Monday, where Hungarian woman Krisztina Dragoman was chief organiser. Krisztine has been living in Kilkenny for some years.  ...View?

Marciatori della Pace alla Bavisela
Italy | May 04, 2009 18:00 |
A Trieste una manifestazione podistica che include anche una maratona internazionale  ...View?

Si conclude il Simposio Europeo sulla Nonviolenza
Italy | April 29, 2009 18:00 |

Presidenta chilena recibió a coordinadores internacionales de la Marcha Mundial por la Paz
Chile | April 29, 2009 11:04 |
Luego de una extensa reunión, Rafael de LaRubia y Tomás Hirsch, mostraron su satisfacción por el respaldo recibido del gobierno de Chile.  ...View?

Rosario Central e la Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza
Argentina | April 28, 2009 18:00 |
I giovani e il calcio  ...View?

Danielle Mitterrand at the World March presentation
France | April 25, 2009 18:00 |
Tuesday 10th of March, on the barge "La Balle au Bond" in the heart of Paris the meeting of the first signatories and promoters of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence took place, with a few months to go to the arrival of the March in France.  ...View?

World without Wars’ presents the World March in the Social Fair of Norrköping
Sweden | April 25, 2009 08:39 |
From the 25th of April untill the 9th of May the Social Fair took place in Norrköping (Sweden) in which ‘World without Wars’ participated presenting the World March for peace and non violence to all attending people and organisations.  ...View?

El futuro está marchando
Argentina | April 25, 2009 06:23 |
Alrededor de 300 jóvenes recorrieron calles céntricas de Buenos Aires para manifestar su apoyo a la Marcha Mundial.  ...View?

It’s time for citizens to exert pressure for Peace
Colombia | April 23, 2009 18:00 |
“Governments only mobilize today if there is popular pressure,” said Rafael de la Rubia, coordinator of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, thankful for the support declared by the mayor of Bogotá in the launching of the initiative in Colombia."  ...View?

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