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Con un Festival de Reggae y Radio Abierta se lanzó en Mar del Plata la Marcha Mundial
Argentina | March 19, 2009 09:02 |
En una tarde inmejorable se realizó el lanzamiento de la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No Violencia en Mar del Plata. Comenzó con una radio abierta y terminó con la actuación de dos bandas locales de Reggae.  ...View?

French organisations prepare the World March for Peace
France | March 12, 2009 19:00 |
On a barge in the Seine a meeting took place among signatories of the World March for Peace to organise the passage through French territory  ...View?

New Zealand: A country that inspired Gandhi will be the starting point for the World March
New Zealand | February 22, 2009 09:02 |
New Zealand, the first country on the planet to see the light of the new day will be the starting point for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence on the 2nd October 2009.  ...View?

Gender and Development Minister in Liberia endorses the World March
| February 18, 2009 08:55 |
In February, various presentations of the March were made in this country that has suffered so many consequences of war. Among others, the Gender and Development Minister, Vabah G. Gayflo, endorsed the March.  ...View?

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