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Karaoke for peace by hundreds of Chileans in the main pedestrian island of Santiago
Chile | November 30, 2009 06:14 |
A huge stage, right in the centre of Santiago, interrupted the usual routine of the street sellers and passers by, who every Friday fill the main pedestrian island of the capital. All got the chance to sing for peace and nonviolence, including lots of young people but also officials, passers by and ladies with shopping bags.  ...View?

L'equipe Malienne à la marche mondiale a Dakar
Mali | November 30, 2009 03:04 |

The World March calls on Obama to live up to his Nobel Peace Prize and withdraw US troops from occupied territories
United States | November 29, 2009 21:08 |
As the World March for Peace and Nonviolence is due to arrive in New York on Monday December 30th, it has issued a statement regarding President Obama’s speech on Tuesday at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York which is widely expected to be an announcement of an increase in troop numbers in Afghanistan of anything up to 40,000.»  ...View?

East and Southern Africa Route
Mozambique | November 28, 2009 05:18 |
In the context of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence that currently goes in more than 100 countries around the world, a team of Mozambicans will do the route that will represent the Eastern-Southern Africa in this unprecedented global initiative in human history. The African route will start in Kenya (Nairobi) via Zambia (Lusaka), Mozambique (Tete, Chimoio, Beira, Xai-Xai, Inhambane and Maputo) and South Africa (Johannesburg and Cape Town).  ...View?

Marcha por la No-Violencia en Guachupita. Niños y jóvenes marginalizados proclaman la paz como camino
Dominican Republic | November 26, 2009 09:59 |
Centenares de niños, jóvenes y sus madres en Guachupita, uno de las decenas de barrios marginalizados que constituyen el cinturón de miseria de esta ciudad, marcharon entusiastas y enérgicos a favor de la Paz y la No-Violencia en el sector, como parte de las actividades comunitarias que se han adherido del 2 de octubre de 2009 al 2 de enero de 2010 a la Marcha Mundial por la Paz.  ...View?

La marche mondiale pour la paix et la non violence au Maroc
Morocco | November 26, 2009 07:08 |
Le passage de la marche mondiale au Maroc est caractérisée par la accueil chaleureux digne d’un pays tolérant et d’un peuple pacifique et généreux, et par le passage triomphale de l’équipe de base et des acteurs associatifs à chaque étape de la marche. En effet, la délégation a traversé à pieds pour la première fois du parcours la «frontière» de Mellila – BeniNsar/Nador.  ...View?

Journalist and peace campaigner disappears in Iran
Iran | November 25, 2009 08:18 |
Mazdak Ali Nazari, a journalist and editor of the website Khabar Negaran-Solh (‘Peace Reporters’), was arrested a few days ago at his private home in Iran. His whereabouts and the reasons for his arrest are currently unknown. Before he was detained, Nazari had planned to take part in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence on its way through his country.  ...View?

Argentina | November 25, 2009 05:21 |
La Fundación Mundo Sin Guerras y Sin Violencia de Mar del Plata, organismo del Movimiento Humanista Internacional en conjunto con otras organizaciones: Manos Dignas; Asociación Marplatense de Atletismo; Sin Fronteras (coro de señantes); y la Asociación de heridos en el cumplimiento del deber, convocan a la “Primer Maratón Cultural y Deportiva en adhesión a la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No-Violencia”.  ...View?

Thousands Join World March Days in Canada
Canada | November 24, 2009 06:02 |
On November 19, 20, 21, various towns and cities in Canada celebrated "World March Days" with activities in support of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. These Days were meant to get everyone ready for the arrival of the WM Team on December 1.  ...View?

León Gieco promotes a worldwide initiative for peace before a hundred thousand people
Argentina | November 24, 2009 05:22 |
The popular singer-songwriter, León Gieco, at the Festival for the 127th anniversary of the city of La Plata (capital of the province of Buenos Aires) wore the sweatshirt of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. At the “birthday” concert, held in Plaza Moreno, 10 other groups put on a show for an audience of a hundred thousand people.  ...View?

Accueil des Humanistes de Guinée Bissau à la frontière avec le Sénégal
Senegal | November 23, 2009 10:12 |
La Marche au Sénégal a debuté avec une manifestation à travers la ville de Ziguinchor, une conférence à l'Université Catholique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et avec des danses de Guinée Bissau.  ...View?

Marcha Popular en Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
Spain | November 22, 2009 09:33 |
El corazón de la Paz y la No-Violencia recorrió con una Marcha Popular, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Más de un millar de manifestantes participan en la Marcha.  ...View?

Con la consigna “No a la guerra”, jóvenes realizaron intervención urbana en Buenos Aires
Argentina | November 22, 2009 05:34 |
“No a la injusticia, no a la guerra, no a la violencia“ fueron los lemas que utilizaron un conjunto de cerca de 150 jóvenes que se manifestaron en el Obelisco de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Con una coreografía del tema musical “Mal Bicho” de Los Fabulosos Cadillacs buscaron llamar la atención de los transeúntes, de los conductores y de la prensa local.  ...View?

Caminata de 117 km por la Paz y la No Violencia
Costa Rica | November 20, 2009 21:20 |
El deportista costarricense Jorge Aztúa caminó un trayecto de 117 km dentro de la inicitiva de la Marcha Mundial.  ...View?

2000 Students form Peace Sign in Gatineau
Canada | November 20, 2009 12:51 |

Peace declaration adopted after World March stay in Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina | November 20, 2009 08:19 |
More than a dozen organizations and nonviolent groups have participated to the World March round table in Sarajevo on November 4. At the end of the meeting all of them have subscribed a Declaration about peace and nonviolence, stating that war doesn’t start in the battlefield and doesn't end with peace agreements. Its beginning and its end are in the heads of the people.  ...View?

Recepción en Rabat la Marcha Mundial
Morocco | November 19, 2009 17:14 |
La Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la Noviolencia ha sido recibida en Rabat por Siba, que representaba al Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, y por el Secretario General de la Juventud Dermolimi. El encuentro se llevó a cabo en la sede del Movimiento Popular, al que pertenecen muchos antiguos miembros de la resistencia que han escogido la Paz como único camino para resolver conflictos.  ...View?

3000 escolares en una acto por la paz
Spain | November 19, 2009 06:25 |
Antes de tomar el barco hacia África, el equipo base de la Marcha se encuentra en un acto por la paz con los escolares de 50 centros andaluces  ...View?

Málaga recibe con entusiasmo al equipo base
Spain | November 19, 2009 04:45 |
Antes de saltar a África, el equipo base vivió una corta pero muy intensa etapa en Málaga, en unos actos que contaron con la presencia del alcalde de la ciudad  ...View?

A small Village in western Kenya march world march for peace and Nonviolence in style
Kenya | November 18, 2009 00:04 |
It was during the period that world march for peace and nonviolence was passing through Kenya from Uganda that a small village in the western side of Kenya did mark it with numerous activities at the village level.  ...View?

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