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Italy | November 17, 2009 21:16 |
Sabato di Pace e Nonviolenza a Udine  ...View?

Peace Torch welcomed to Scottish Parliament
United Kingdom | November 17, 2009 08:25 |
The Peace Torch will be outside the public entrance at Holyrood from 13:00 hours, Tuesday 17th November. SNP MSP Bill Kidd has joined Minister for Parliament Bruce Crawford to welcome the World March for Peace and Nonviolence to the Scottish Parliament today, as the peace torch arrived at the Parliament at 13:00 hours.  ...View?

El muro por la paz más largo del mundo
Chile | November 16, 2009 16:54 |
Bajo un sol abrasador, 700 artistas, la mayoría jóvenes graffiteros y muralistas, se dedicaron a plasmar en imágenes sus ideas sobre la paz, el desarme y el rechazo a las distintas formas de violencia. La actividad, impulsada por ‘Mundo sin Guerras’, se desarrolló durante 3 días, hasta cubrir 1.800 metros de un muro ubicado en una comuna en la precordillera de Santiago de Chile  ...View?

The Hiroshima Flame successfully crossed France from 6th to 12th November
France | November 15, 2009 21:16 |
The Hiroshima Flame promoting the abolition of nuclear weapons was successfully carried from Paris to Perpignan form 6th to 12th of November. It will continue its journey to New York where it will arrive in May 2010 where there will be a huge manifestation for the abolition of nuclear weapons and where the 8th Review Conference for the Non-Proliferation Treaty will be held.  ...View?

La Marcia Mondiale si ferma a Gradisca d'Isonzo e ad Aviano
Italy | November 15, 2009 08:04 |
Sosta davanti al CIE e incontro con le autorità nella citta della base NATO  ...View?

A March is crossing Madrid
Spain | November 15, 2009 07:54 |
Various events marked the Base Team’s first day in Madrid upon their arrival from Barcelona, including a meeting with the press, an honorary ceremony at the monument for the 11th of March victims, and a demonstration full of color and rhythm along main avenues. Thousands of people and diverse groups marched for peace and non-violence.  ...View?

Barcelona se vuelca en la Marcha Mundial
Spain | November 14, 2009 19:31 |
Más de mil personas en una marcha festiva acompañaron al equipo base a su paso por Barcelona  ...View?

Catalan Institutions Welcome the March’s Base Team as they pass through Barcelona
Spain | November 14, 2009 19:18 |
The World March for Peace and Non-Violence base team was festively greeted by local organising teams at the Barcelona airport. Later, a delegation participated in various receptions held in Barcelona’s City Hall, the Generalitat (Catalonia’s autonomous government), and the Parliament of Catalonia. The Charter for a World without violence was given to Catalonian authorities.  ...View?

Benedict XVI blesses the World March for Peace and Nonviolence
Vatican City | November 13, 2009 09:13 |
“Thank you very much. May God bless you all.” These were the words of Benedict XVI as he received the gift delivered to him by the delegation of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, which, having left Wellington in New Zealand on October 2, with numerous legs in Asia, the Middle East and Europe, arrived at Vatican City to be received by the Pope.  ...View?

5000 gather in Florence for the World March
Italy | November 13, 2009 05:38 |
Yesterday, November 11, a celebratory and colourful parade made its way through Florence together with the marchers for Peace and Nonviolence. At least 5000 people from all over Tuscany snaked through the streets of the centre of Florence to accompany the marchers, who were making a stop in the Tuscan regional capital.  ...View?

The Nobel Peace Laureates Summit and Silo: For a non-violent world
Germany | November 12, 2009 14:15 |
Silo, the founder of Universalist Humanism and the inspiration behind the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, addressed the 10th Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates. His talk, “The Meaning of Peace and Nonviolence in the Present Moment,” spoke to the possibility of constructing a Universal Human Nation founded upon a culture of active nonviolence.  ...View?

Thousands of children bring the colours of peace to Piazza Duomo
Italy | November 12, 2009 14:01 |
This morning in Milan, some fine sunshine and more than 3000 children and school pupils from Lombardy welcomed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence with a celebratory parade, carrying thousands of blue balloons. Waiting for them on the stage in Piazza Duomo were Ivan Ramiro Cordoba, the celebrity footballer and supporter of the March, and Alessandro Cattelan of Radio 105.  ...View?

Rainbow Peace Island near Shannon Airport
Ireland | November 12, 2009 08:39 |
The World March Promoting Team in Ireland, from Kilkenny, Dublin, Cork, and Shannonwatch, a group of human rights and peace activists from the West of Ireland came together on Sunday the 8th of November to march for peace and nonviolence, which coincided with the regular every-second-Sunday-of-the-months Shannowatch vigil.  ...View?

Palacio de la Moneda exhibits Charter for a World without Violence
Chile | November 12, 2009 08:20 |
After Silo and the participants in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence received from the Nobel Prize winners, in the Berlin Summit, the mission of making widely known the ‘Charter for a World without Violence’, the Chilean organisers of this initiative were received at La Moneda to put up the text in the Patio de los Naranjos.  ...View?

La Marcia arriva in Umbria, terra di pace: ad Attigliano un corteo colorato di bambini e ragazzi
Italy | November 12, 2009 06:14 |
Tra le tappe ufficiali italiane, l’11 novembre i marciatori si sono fermati ad Attigliano (TR), accolti da istituzioni, associazioni, scuole e cittadini dell’Amerino. Dopo il saluto delle istituzioni, un corteo festoso ha animato le vie della piccola cittadina, fino al Parco di Studio e Riflessione, dove la giornata si è conclusa tra giochi, canti, cerimonie e cena finale.  ...View?

1600 people in Torino in a classical concert for Peace and Nonviolence
Italy | November 11, 2009 18:32 |
Yesterday a delegation of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence reached in Torino to be extremely warm welcomed by the gathered 1600 people in the theatre Regio where an internationally famous classical concert has been held. Earlier in Novara the marchers have joined the declaration of denouncing the intention of the Italian government to buy 131 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters  ...View?

Torino e Valle di Susa: In cammino per la pace e la nonviolenza nel nuovo millennio
Italy | November 10, 2009 22:32 |
"In cammino per la pace e la nonviolenza nel nuovo millennio” Con la premiazione, avvenuta presso la Sala del Caminetto del Teatro Regio di Torino, al termine della conferenza per la Marcia Mondiale, si è concluso il bando di Concorso sulla Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza promosso nelle scuole della regione Piemonte, dall'associazione “La Comunità per lo Sviluppo Umano”.  ...View?

A Vicenza sette raggi disarmanti
Italy | November 10, 2009 07:52 |
La Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza, che dal 2 ottobre sta percorrendo il mondo chiedendo il disarmo nucleare e convenzionale, il ritiro delle truppe dai territori occupati e il rifiuto della guerra e della violenza, è passata ieri da Vicenza dove l'ha accolta una manifestazione altamente simbolica che, nonostante la pioggia, ha coinvolto più di mille persone.  ...View?

500 élèves se sont réunis pour former un signe de paix humain
Canada | November 10, 2009 06:09 |
500 élèves de l'École Du Village, Commission Scolaire des Portages de l’Outaouaisse à Gatineau se sont réunis pour former un signe de paix humain afin d’encourager la délégation mondiale en traversant plus de 92 pays.  ...View?

Une délégation de la MM reçue au Ministère de la Défense à Paris
France | November 10, 2009 05:00 |
Une délégation de la Marche Mondiale a été reçue au Ministère de la Défense à Paris, par Alain Marc, chef de cabinet du Ministre de la Défense. Elle était composée de Luis Silva et Gérard Hourdin de l'équipe internationale de base, ainsi que d'Alain Ducq porte-parole de la Marche Mondiale en France.  ...View?

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