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March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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Ali Ulusoy
Ali Ulusoy
Turkey | Other
Entrepreneur, Founder of Happy Kids Opal Ltd. - Girişimci, Happy Kids Opal Ltd.  ...View?
İbrahim Demirel
İbrahim Demirel
Turkey | Activism
Photographer - Fotoğrafçı  ...View?
Nur Salam
Nur Salam
Malaysia | Activism
Nur Salam is a twenty-four hour crisis and drop-in centre for children in the Chow Kit district of Kuala Lumpur. We provide a safe and healthy environment for children to get off the streets and participate in educational and recreational programs. We have a strong commitment to children's rights and the rights of all beings to live lives free of violence.  ...View?
Regina Lund
Regina Lund
Sweden | TV-Cinema-Theatre |
REGINA LUND is a Swedish peace activist, actress, singer/song writer, book writer, poet, artist, record label owner, clothes designer, director and a mother. Regina Lund will be peace speaking and singing in Stockholm on the 29th of October 2009 and she will also walk part of the world march, between Stockholm and Copenhagen, but you can be sure to see her at other parts of the walk as well. Regina Lund will try to make it from the start on Gandhis birthday the 2 Oct in New Zeeland. She is also helping on our work to organize Sweden. The newly internationally released album DARE Regina Lund includes many songs for peace like Dare, Hope and Courage. We hope to hear her o  ...View?
Ayuntamiento de Torrox
Ayuntamiento de Torrox
Spain | Municipality
Ayuntamiento de L´Ametlla del Vallès
Ayuntamiento de L´Ametlla del Vallès
Spain | Municipality
Es un municipio situado en la comarca del Vallés Oriental, en la provincia de Barcelona (España). Se encuentra a 35 kilómetros al noreste deBarcelona. La Ametlla ha sido un tradicional centro de veraneo. En el municipio también se han desarrollado algunos pequeños núcleos industriales en Montguit i Mas Dorca. Como patrimonio artístico podemos destacar la Parroquia de Sant Genís, el ayuntamiento de estilo modernista, la Ermita de Sant Nicolau, y algunas masías y casas pairales como Can Draper, Can Xammar de Dalt y Can Xammar de Baix.  ...View?
Pilar Escario
Pilar Escario
Spain | Human Rights
Empresaria, investigadora y feminista, es licenciada en Bellas Artes y Psicología Clínica. Ha colaborado en diversas instituciones internacionales: EEC Equal Opportunities for Women Network (Red de la Comunidad Económica Europea para la igualdad de oportunidades para las mujeres) y es miembro del Consejo del Instituto Internacional de Investigación y Capacitación de las Naciones Unidas para la Promoción de la Mujer (INSTRAW). Como investigadora sociológica ha trabajado para diversos ministerios e instituciones españolas y ha publicado ocho libros sobre la mujer, la familia y su relación con la política, la economía, las nuevas tecnologías, etc.  ...View?
Comité Oscar Romero- Vigo
Comité Oscar Romero- Vigo
Spain | Activism
Equipo de Voleibol Valery Karpin- Vigo
Equipo de Voleibol Valery Karpin- Vigo
Spain | Sports
Egypt | Music |
Taxi Band presents an unusual kind of music, trying to connect the audience with a music free of difficult restraining techniques and full of musical sense in a hope to deliver a music that's not only enjoyable to the ear but to the mind too by choosing meaningful lyrics that are mostly written by Mohamed Tawfik.  ...View?

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