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Rafael Correa
Rafael Correa
Ecuador | Politics |
Presidente del Ecuador Biografia: ECON. RAFAEL CORREA DELGADO Nació el 6 de Abril de 1963, en Guayaquil (Ecuador), de estado civil casado. TÍTULOS ACADÉMICOS: Doctor (Ph.D.) en Economía: Universidad de Illinois en Urbana - Champaign. Octubre/2001. Master de Ciencias en Economía: Universidad de Illinois en Urbana - Champaign. Mayo/1999. Master de Artes en Economía: Universidad Católica de Lovaina la Nueva, Bélgica. Junio/1991. Economista: Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, Guayaquil - Ecuador. Julio/1987. EXPERIENCIA PROFESIONAL: Enero de 2007 Presidente Constitucional de la República del Ecuador. Agosto de 2006 Candidato a la Presidencia  ...View?
Daniel Barenboim
Daniel Barenboim
Germany | Music |
Conductor, Pianist. Argentine Musician of Jewish background originally from Russia with Israeli, Spanish and Palestinian citizenship. In 2001 he created controversy when he conducted a work by the German composer Richard Wagner in Israel. He has converted music into a space of peace between peoples. Testimony to this is that – together with Edward Said – he founded the West Eastern Divan Workshop in 1999, an orchestra formed by young Arab and Israeli musicians, for which he received the Prince of Asturias Concord Prize in 2002 and the Wolf Prize for the Arts in Jerusalem.  ...View?
Evo Morales Ayma
Evo Morales Ayma
Bolivia | Politics
Bolivian President since 2006. Politician, activist and union leader. Evo comes from an Aymara family, an indigenous nation that promotes the three fundamental pillars of wisdom in their education: don't steal, don't be lazy and don't lie. His background was formed - as he says himself - in the "University of Life". MAS, the Movement to Socialism, led by Evo, became the leading political force in the country. Morales has received the honour of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Panama University and the National University of La Plata, Argentina.  ...View?
Tomás Hirsch
Tomás Hirsch
Chile | Politics |
. Promoted the nonviolent struggle against the military dictatorship of General Pinochet. One of the founders of the Alliance of Parties for Democracy in 1988. 2005 presidential candidate for Juntos Podemos Mas, a left-wing alliance in Chile. Currently Hirsch is the spokesperson for New Humanism in Latin America. Has traveled in this capacity throughout America and Europe meeting with most of the progressive leaders in the region, including Evo Morales, President of Bolivia. Promotes Latin American integration toward a Universal Human Nation, fostering the values of peace and active nonviolence. Published work: The End of Prehistory: a path to freedom.  ...View?
Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Spain | Peace and Nonviolence |
Director-General of UNESCO for 12 years. Current president of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace  ...View?
Stjepan Mesic
Stjepan Mesic
Croatia | Politics
President of the Croatian Republic  ...View?
Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams
Canada | Music
Canadian Rock Musician and Songwriter, Photographer  ...View?
Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah
Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah
Jordan | Other
Queen Rania is the wife of King Abdullah II of Jordan. Palestinian-born, Rania continues to play a significant role both at home and abroad in reaching out to the global community to foster values of tolerance and inter-cultural dialogue. She advocates many causes both regionally and internationally and is involved in many organisations including UNICEF, the International Women’s Forum and the International Youth Foundation.  ...View?
Dario Fo
Dario Fo
Italy | Nobel Prizes |
Italian director, dramatist, actor and set-designer. Nobel Laureate for literature in 1997.  ...View?
Dr. Tabaré Vazquez
Dr. Tabaré Vazquez
Uruguay | Politics
Doctor en Oncología. Profesor grado 5. Intendente de 1990-1994. Durante este período se sumó a Alcaldes por la Paz. El 31 de Octubre de 2004, es electo en primera vuelta Presidente de la República Oriental del Uruguay en las Elecciones Nacionales. El 1ro de Marzo de 2005, por un período de cinco años, asume la Presidencia de la República Oriental del Uruguay.  ...View?

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