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Donations - Help the March

March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

Informations and Recomendations
PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information
Local links and reservations

How many Km are you doing?

Many people have put their feet, heart and will into this march.

Make your mark too!

You may support the costs of the whole Base Team for one km or more, at a cost of €5 ($7 US) per km.

We have reached 135.033,26 KM (84,40%) of our target of KM 160.000!

Self financed by the Base Team members
Financed by you!


The World March has no financial resources of its own: it is not funded by any government or commercial organization. It is possible thanks to the contribution of the members of the team and donations received. Donations which could compromise the meaning or spirit of the WM are not accepted.

The World March is possible because it brings together the efforts of thousands of non-profit-making organisations and bodies, and hundreds of thousands of people, all of whom promote activities in every section of the march, in every city and in every country, and who always provide their own resources on the basis of voluntary activity.

WORLD WITHOUT WARS is a non-profit organization.

* Webmaster: Banner " Help the March "
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