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Dame Rev. Phyllis Guthardt
Dame Rev. Phyllis Guthardt
New Zealand | Education
Dame Phyllis Guthardt is a former Vice-Chancellor of Canterbury University. She was the first woman in New Zealand to be ordained and was later the first woman to be elected to the Presidency of the NZ Methodist Church. In 1993 she was recognised for her services to education and the Methodist Church when she received a Damehood.  ...Voir ?
Sociedad Cooperativa trabajadores de Pascual SCL
Sociedad Cooperativa trabajadores de Pascual SCL
Mexico | Autres thèmes |
Productora de refrescos y jugos desde 1930, en 1982 los trabajadors comenzaron una huelga que duro 3 años, concluyendo en que se adjudicarán los bienes de Refrescos Pascual, S. A. a favor de los trabajadores comprometiéndose a trabajar en Cooperativa. Desde entonces le quitan la sed a muchos mexicanos  ...Voir ?
Isabel-Clara Simó
Isabel-Clara Simó
Spain | Littérature
Se la considera como una de les autoras modernas más importantes de la literatura catalana. Ha recibido numerosos galardones. Como periodista, ha sido directora del semanario Canigó y es columnista en el periódico Avui. Fue Delegada del Libro del Departamento de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Su novela más reciente es El caníbal.  ...Voir ?
Spain | Militant
Federación de Entidades Latinoamericanas de Cataluña.  ...Voir ?
Alfredo Erias Martínez
Alfredo Erias Martínez
Spain | Sciences
Es director del Museo das Mariñas, de Betanzos, así como de la Biblioteca y Archivo Municipales de esta antigua ciudad de Galicia. Asímismo es director de la revista de investigación del área de Humanidades, Anuario Brigantino y coordinador general de Restauro: revista internacional del Patrimonio Histórico. Es también dibujante, grabador y pintor y autor de libros, carpetas de dibujo y numerosos trabajos  ...Voir ?
URI (United Religions Initiative)
URI (United Religions Initiative)
United States | Religion et Spiritualité
United Religions Initiative (URI) was founded in 2000 by an extraordinary global community committed to promoting enduring, daily interfaith cooperation and to ending religiously motivated violence. Today the URI includes thousands of members in over 65 countries representing more than 100 religions, spiritual expressions, and indigenous traditions.  ...Voir ?
Argentina | Musique
Cancionero est un site web musical en ligne depuis plus de dix ans, dont l'objectif principal est de diffuser le travail de professionnels et d'institutions du métier, spécialement de ceux qui ne trouvent pas d'espace dans les milieux traditionnels. Pour cela, il offre un guide répertorié de ressources et de services, un calendrier de spectacles et la diffusion gratuite d'informations associées. Il contient aussi une partie avec des notes techniques et de textes d'opinion et une compilation de paroles et d'accords d'oeuvres populaires.  ...Voir ?
YWCA Wanganui
YWCA Wanganui
New Zealand | Militant
YWCA is a global network of women leading social and economic change in 125 countries worldwide. It advocates for peace, justice, health, human dignity, freedom and care of the environment, and has been at the forefront of raising the status of women since it was founded in 1855. YWCA develops women’s leadership to find local solutions to the global inequalities women face. YWCA work is inspired by Christian principles and a commitment to women’s full and equal participation in society. It is a volunteer membership movement, inclusive of women from many faiths, backgrounds and cultures. YWCA Wanganui has been established since 1939.  ...Voir ?
Wellington Interfaith Council
Wellington Interfaith Council
New Zealand | Religion et Spiritualité
"The Wellington Inter-Faith Council has evolved from a variety of interfaith groups that have been active in Wellington over the past 15 years, such as the World Conference on Religion and Peace, and Faith and Community Week. Members of the Baha'i, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and Christian faiths are represented in the Council. The main focus of the council is to promote and strengthen Inter-Faith dialogue".  ...Voir ?
The Development Resource Centre
The Development Resource Centre
New Zealand | Education
The Development Resource Centre is a specialist provider of information and education on global and development issues. With access to up to date, independent, information on the world's big issues, we believe everyone can make a positive difference.The DRC is made up of two programmes: Dev-Zone and the Global Education Centre. Our websites, &, give quick access to our lending library, magazines, teaching resources, email updates, training information and much more. The Development Resource Centre is a non-profit organisation, core funded by NZAID.  ...Voir ?

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