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La Marche Mondiale invite les Suisses à se prononcer en faveur de l’interdiction d’exporter du matériel de guerre à l’étranger
Switzerland | 09. בנובמבר 2009 20:21 |
La marche mondiale pour la paix et la non violence a fait halte lundi à Genève. Le maire de Genève, Rémy Pagani, a apporté son soutien à la marche, en dénonçant des dépenses militaires chiffrées à 1500 millliards de dollars dans le monde et l’hypocrisie de la Suisse. Dani Horowitz, a déclaré «Nous ne pouvons pas justifier la création d’emploi au détriment de la vie d’autrui»  ...לראות?

Un défilé festif a fait battre le cœur de Paris
France | 09. בנובמבר 2009 10:30 |
A partir de 11h30, un défilé festif a fait battre le cœur de Paris au rythme de la musique et des slogans pour la paix et la non-violence. Batucada et fanfare encadraient le cortège composé d'une trentaine d'organisations et de plusieurs centaines de sympathisants.  ...לראות?

The heart of Paris beats to the rhythm of Nonviolence
France | 09. בנובמבר 2009 06:15 |
After having crossed more than 20 countries, the World March stopped over in Paris. On foot, by bus, by boat, to the cinema and finally to the Ministry of Defence, the international and Parisian Marchers, accompanied by the French spokesman Alain Ducq, made the 5 aims of this world campaign known, as well as their applicability to France.  ...לראות?

Abolición nuclear, abolición de bases militares extranjeras y la construcción de constituciones de paz se pidió a los gobiernos del mundo desde Manta y Montecristi
Ecuador | 09. בנובמבר 2009 05:47 |
El Evento Internacional Constituciones de Paz para la abolición de armas nucleares y de base militares extranjeras realizado en Ecuador los días 5 y 6 de noviembre en Manta y en Montecrist  ...לראות?

The Peace March passes through Trieste
Italy | 08. בנובמבר 2009 21:31 |
After having crossed Oceania, Asia, the Middle East, northern Europe and the Balkans, the World March for Peace and Nonviolence arrived in Italy today, where it will remain until November 12. Trieste, the first Italian stop, welcomed the March with official greetings from the Mayor and the Provincial President, and a huge symbol of peace in the evocative Piazza dell’Unità.  ...לראות?

The Balkan WM team in Slovenia - 06.11.09
Slovenia | 08. בנובמבר 2009 06:49 |

Mozambique | 07. בנובמבר 2009 19:19 |
Actividade no âmbito da Semana da Criatividade e Não- Violência (06-11 Novembro 2009)  ...לראות?

Le cycle "La Non Violence se fait une toile" accueille l'équipe internationale de la Marche
France | 07. בנובמבר 2009 15:30 |
Plus de 120 personnes ont assisté vendredi 6 novembre, à la projection de l'excellent documentaire "Rachel", de Simone Bitton, dans le cadre du cycle " La Non-Violence se fait une toile ", au Trianon, le cinéma inter-communal de Romainville et Noisy-le-sec.  ...לראות?

Base team “singing in the rain” in Budapest
Hungary | 07. בנובמבר 2009 05:21 |
After being received by the Hungarian delegation of the World March for Peace and Non-violence and its representative Balazs Szigeti, the marchers completed a section of the route that - despite the rain - was memorable and full of surprises. Fire jugglers, dancers and choristers wowed the marchers before their arrival at the forecourt of Buda Castle in Budapest.  ...לראות?

Humanistas quieren concienciar al mundo para la no violencia - Panamá marchará por la paz
Panama | 07. בנובמבר 2009 02:47 |
Panamá marchará por la paz el 13 de diciembre.  ...לראות?

Alcalde de Quito-Ecuador Adhiere a la Marcha Mundial
Ecuador | 06. בנובמבר 2009 21:44 |
Las ciudades, los gobiernos locales podemos hacer mucho por construir una cultura de paz y de no violencia.  ...לראות?

Liberia and Sierra Leone pass Peace Torch on the border between both countries
Sierra Leone | 06. בנובמבר 2009 15:45 |
In a historical ceremony, a Peace Torch was passed from the Liberian delegation of the World March to the delegation of Sierra Leone on the Mano River Union Bridge, the border between the two countries.  ...לראות?

Stjepan Mesić, President of Croatia, receives World Marchers in Zagreb on their Balkans tour.
Croatia | 06. בנובמבר 2009 09:06 |
Today a delegation of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence Balkan team had a meeting with Stjepan Mesić, President of Croatia. During the meeting he was presented with the documents of the World March and asked to read and endorse the Nobel Laureates Charter for a World without Violence. "There's no one more in favour of peace than I am".  ...לראות?

La marcha por la paz y la no-violencia llega en Belgica
Belgium | 06. בנובמבר 2009 05:14 |
Recibimiento alegre y caluroso al Equipo Base de la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No-violencia en Bruselas y en Ypres. En la "ciudad de paz" se recibiò la bienvenida por parte del Alcalde y se asistiò a la ceremonia en recuerdo de las víctimas de la destrucción durante la primera Guerra Mundial. El día terminó en un acto festivo con bailes folclóricos y comida local.  ...לראות?

Escuela en Venezuela con la Marcha Mundial
Venezuela | 05. בנובמבר 2009 10:48 |
Unidad Educativa Alto Barinas Norte, en Barinas, se puso en MARCHA MUNDIAL, celebrando en grande sus 11 años...  ...לראות?

Presidency Chairman Željko Komšić: “Bosnia-Herzegovina couldn’t miss out on this occasion for peace and nonviolence”
Bosnia & Herzegovina | 05. בנובמבר 2009 09:53 |
As the World March for Peace and Nonviolence reaches Bosnia and Herzegovina on day 8 of its Balkans tour the March was welcomed by Presidency Chairman Željko Komšić and by the city Mayor, Alija Behmen. Accompanying the March at the start of its procession through the 16th century streets around Baščaršija square, Sarajevo, Komšić wished the March all the best.  ...לראות?

The World March for Peace and Non-Violence continues to garner success and create awareness
Czech Republic | 05. בנובמבר 2009 09:00 |
An important press conference with participants such as Alena Gajdusova, First Vice-president of the Senate, Rafael de La Rubia, president of World Without Wars, and Otakar Mika, expert in nuclear arms issues. They all emphasized that it is important for countries to choose to reduce armaments and assign new roles for their armies.  ...לראות?

Vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament welcomed members of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence
Czech Republic | 05. בנובמבר 2009 08:14 |
The vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament Lubomír Zaorálek received a delegation of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence today. He welcomed the initiative and wished the March good success.  ...לראות?

Thousands of People in Prague Called for Peace and Nonviolence
Czech Republic | 05. בנובמבר 2009 08:09 |
Thousands of people have gathered in Prague’s Wenceslas Square to participate in the biggest event in the country organized as part of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.  ...לראות?

Cantos de paz en las callas de Viena
Austria | 05. בנובמבר 2009 05:17 |
Martes 3 de Noviembre de 2009 alrededor de 50 personas se juntaron en la Estaciòn Oeste de Trenes de Viena para dar inicio a la Marcha por la Paz y la No violencia. Cada uno llevando una antorcha encendida, en un clima de mucho frìo y con una suave nevada, enfilaron por la calle principal del centro de Viena cantando canciones sobre paz.  ...לראות?

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