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Mark Laurent and Brenda Liddiard
Mark Laurent and Brenda Liddiard
New Zealand | מוזיקה
Mark and Brenda have been touring NZ, the UK and Australia for 30 years, both solo and as a duo, using music, poetry and humour to talk about "life, the universe, and everything". "Between them Mark and Brenda have recorded 20 albums, written hundreds of songs, and their "unplugged" style includes blues, reggae, acoustic rock, ballads and new country. Guitars, mandolin, rowan lute, harmonicas and vocals weave a tapestry of sound and feeling that is both entertaining and moving. Mark has also published 2 books of poetry, and written articles for New Zealand and international magazines. Both have performed numerous times on radio and television" - http://www.amplifier.co.nz/  ...לראות?
Lynn Walters
Lynn Walters
New Zealand | מוזיקה
"Lynn's music is as diverse as the universe, ranging from country to new age with smatterings of blues, jazz and rock all interwoven through lyrics sometimes intense, sometimes humourous, sometimes light and frivolous. An award winning songwriter - including, (NZCMA Songwriter of the Year) she has had the pleasure and profound satisfaction of having her music recorded by local country superstar, Jim Bradshaw and more recently, Canadian Artist Sheryl-Dawn Ryan". - www.amplifier.co.nz  ...לראות?
Dios por siempre
Dios por siempre
Mexico | בריאות |
Centros de rehabilitación para personas que tienen problemas con su forma de beber y de drogarse  ...לראות?
Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos Jalisco
Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos Jalisco
Mexico | זכויות אדם |
La Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos del Estado de Jalisco, México, adhiere a la MM a traves de su Presidente, el Dr. Felipe de Jesús Álvarez Cibrián  ...לראות?
Women for a Change
Women for a Change
United Kingdom | אחר
Women for a Change is an International NGO, founded on empathy & trust. Through our global women’s network, we work together to change perceptions and promote a sustainable, caring world - transcending cultural, social, religious, political & economic barriers.  ...לראות?
The Very Reverend Peter Beck
The Very Reverend Peter Beck
New Zealand | דתי ורוחני
Peter Beck is the Dean of Christchurch Cathedral a position he has held since 2002. "Before becoming Dean of Christchurch’s most celebrated landmark, Peter lived in Auckland where he was the director of Vaughan Park – a retreat centre – and prior to that, the Vicar of St Matthews in the city. He was also on the board of the Auckland City Mission.  ...לראות?
Claudia Dammert
Claudia Dammert
Peru | טלוויזיה-קולנוע-תיאטרון
Artista de cine y teatro peruana. Participó en las películas "Yo hice a Roque III" (España, 1980), Proof of Life (EUA, 2000) y Cuando el cielo es azul (Perú, 2004).  ...לראות?
Federico García Hurtado
Federico García Hurtado
Peru | טלוויזיה-קולנוע-תיאטרון
Director de cine. Entre sus películas se encuentran: "Kausáchun Perú" (1972), "El Caso Huayanay" (1981), "Melgar, poeta insurgente" (1982), "Túpac Amaru" (1984), "El Socio de Dios" (1987), "Enredando Sombras" (1998), "El Forastero" (2002), entre otras producciones. También es actualmente el Director del Centro Cultural de la UNMSM, Lima.  ...לראות?
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
Malaysia | פעילות חברתית
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) is Malaysia’s first shelter for women that offers shelter, support and information to women and their children who are suffering from physical, emotional and sexual abuse in their own homes. WAO is honored to be a part of the World March for Peace and Non-Violence to be held in Malaysia for the first time on 10th October. WAO is happy to endorse the March and will actively collaborate in making it a success.  ...לראות?
Teatro Filodrammatici di Milano
Teatro Filodrammatici di Milano
Italy | טלוויזיה-קולנוע-תיאטרון
Il Teatro Filodrammatici di Milano aderisce al Progetto "Teatro in Marcia" partecipando attivamente, da ottobre a dicembre 2009, con iniziative diverse che contribuiscano a creare una coscienza sociale nonviolenta: spettacoli "dedicati", diffusione di materiali e proiezione di video e altre iniziative in via di definizione.  ...לראות?

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