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HANWA (Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition)
HANWA (Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition)
Japan | פעילות חברתית
The Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition is an umbrella organization that includes members of all the major organizations working for peace in Hiroshima. It was founded on March 20, 2001, in an effort to unify Hiroshima’s peace movement and facilitate peace actions on a scale larger than any of the groups could accomplish alone. All members join as individuals, but most informally represent substantial constituencies that can be mobilized when HANWA comes up with an idea deemed acceptable to all. The stated purpose of HANWA is to eliminate all nuclear weapons. The membership currently stands at approximately 400 people. The present mission was initiated by HANWA and is supporte  ...לראות?
Rev. Dr. Margaret Mayman and St Andrew's on the Terrace
Rev. Dr. Margaret Mayman and St Andrew's on the Terrace
New Zealand | דתי ורוחני
"Our Mission is to create a lively, open Christian faith community, to act for a just and peaceful world, and to be catalysts for discovery, compassion and celebration in the capital. For almost fifteen years St Andrew’s on The Terrace has declared itself to be an inclusive church. Our declaration of intent includes the following words: We strive to be: A church without labels, welcoming all people; An inclusive church, including people of any creed, race, class or sexual orientation; A church where lay participation in worship is fostered and no talents are wasted; A church which seeks to give a Christian shape to social, economic and political affairs – to be light, salt and leaven.�  ...לראות?
Italy | אחר
L'Associazione Culturale JAK Bank Italia ha come scopo quello di fondare, come in Svezia, un'impresa che possa raccogliere risparmio tra i soci, offrire finanziamenti senza tasso di interesse e incentivare l'economia locale e sostenibile, fornendo un servizio analogo a quello di una "banca locale no-profit".  ...לראות?
Peace Not War Japan
Peace Not War Japan
Japan | פעילות חברתית
Started in 2004 and associated with the UK organisation Peace Not War, PNWJ brings together conscious musicians, artists and other Japanese groups or organisations that work for peace and social justice, and is intended to benefit the grassroots peace movement with networks and donations.  ...לראות?
Sport Union of Skopje
Sport Union of Skopje
Macedonia | ספורט
Organization about sports in Skopje  ...לראות?
Vivamos la Fiesta en Paz
Vivamos la Fiesta en Paz
Ecuador | חינוך
Vivamos la Fiesta en Paz, es un programa de participación ciudadano, que busca la reducción del consumo de alcohol en la comunidad y los problemas asociados que este genera. Consideramos que el uso de alcohol en nuestra sociedad es uno, sino el principal factor de riesgo, frente a los accidentes de tránsito, muertes violentas, mal trato intrafamiliar, muertes, discapacidad. Actualmente trabajamos en siete provincias del país y pronto será un proyecto nivel nacional.  ...לראות?
Najam Sheraz
Najam Sheraz
Pakistan | אומנות |
Najam Sheraz is a singer, song-writer and a pop star from Pakistan. Born in Multan, he started singing in the late 80's. He has dedicated himself as a world music artist to build bridges among different cultures and communities. He believes in the idea that spreading peace and harmony trough music is a greater cause than simply composing for entertainment.  ...לראות?
 Fefe Kone
Fefe Kone
Mali | עיריה
Ibrahim Féfé Koné, directeur de cabinet au gouvernorat de la capitale depuis 2003, a été nommé Gouverneur du district de Bamako en 2006. Ibrahim Féfé Koné, né à San, Diplômé de l'Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA) en 1979 dans la section administration publique, a servi au Mali de long en large: stagiaire à l'arrondissement de Bourem-lnaly dans la région de Tombouctou, chef d'arrondissement de Néguéla dans le cercle de Kati, premier adjoint du commandant de cercle de Niono, avant d'exercer la même fonction à Kayes et Gao, commandant dans le cercle de Baraoueli, ensuite de Bankass, délégué dans le cercle de Koutiala. C'est cet administrateur civil expérimenté, anc  ...לראות?
Josep Martorell Codina
Josep Martorell Codina
Spain | מדע |
Miembro y uno de los fundadores del estudio de arquitectura MBM Arquitectos. El estudio tiene la sede en Barcelona y ha proyectado durante los últimos 45 años más de 500 proyectos de arquitectura, urbanismo y diseño en todo el mundo.  ...לראות?
Xavier Rubert de Ventós
Xavier Rubert de Ventós
Spain | ספרות
Catedrático de Estética en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona. Ha profesado también en las universidades de Berkeley, Harvard y Nueva York, donde fundó la Cátedra Barcelona-New York y el Institute for the Humanities. Ha sido miembro de las Cortes Españolas y del Parlamento Europeo. Tiene una extensa obra sobre filosofía, ética y estética (De la modernidad, Ética sin atributos) en los últimos años ha realizado también una reflexión crítica sobre temas políticos (El laberinto de la hispanidad, El cortesano y su fantasma, Nacionalismos, Catalunya: de la Identitat a la Independència). Ha sido galardonado con la Lletra d'Or de la literatura catalana y con los premios Anagra  ...לראות?

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