Domenica 21 Luglio, 2024 Bookmark and Share
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Informazioni e Raccomandazioni
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Aydan Çelik
Aydan Çelik
Turkey | Arte
Visual Artist - Çizer  ...Visualizza
Irkçılığa ve Milliyetçiliğe DurDe (SayStop to Racism and Nationalism)
Irkçılığa ve Milliyetçiliğe DurDe (SayStop to Racism and Nationalism)
Turkey | Attivismo
Campaign Against Racism and Nationalism  ...Visualizza
Cemil Güntepe
Cemil Güntepe
Turkey | Arte
Sculptor - Heykeltıraş  ...Visualizza
Derya Köroğlu
Derya Köroğlu
Turkey | Arte
Musician ("Yeni Türkü") - Müzisyen ("Yeni Türkü")  ...Visualizza
Uluç Gürkan
Uluç Gürkan
Turkey | Politica
Politician (Ex-Member of Parliament) - Politikacı (Eski Milletvekili)  ...Visualizza
Yavuz Önen
Yavuz Önen
Turkey | Diritti Umani
General Secretary, Human Rights Foundation of Turkey - Türkiye İnsan Hakları Vakfı Başkanı  ...Visualizza
Cengiz Güleç
Cengiz Güleç
Turkey | Scienze
Psychiatrist, Academic -Psikiyatrist, Akademisyen  ...Visualizza
Monique Wilson
Monique Wilson
Philippines | TV-Cinema-Teatro |
Mulit-awarded actress, theatre director and feminist activist. Founded the New Voice Company (NVC), producing plays on social themes, most notably, on violence against women. International spokesperson for The Purple Rose Campaign against sex trafficking. Teaching Fellow at the East 15 Acting School in England.  ...Visualizza
Roland Simbulan
Roland Simbulan
Philippines | Educazione
Professor, former Faculty Regent and former Vice-Chancellor, University of the Philippines  ...Visualizza
Gemma de la Cruz
Gemma de la Cruz
Philippines | Educazione
Dean, College of Mass Communications, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (University of the City of Manila), Philippines  ...Visualizza

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