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Elsie Tu
Elsie Tu
Hong Kong | Attivismo |
Elsie Tu is a prominent social activist, former elected member of the Urban Council of Hong Kong, and former member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. Born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, northern England, she moved to Hong Kong in 1951 following a period as a missionary in China. She became known for her strong antipathy toward colonialism and corruption, as well as for her relentless work for the underprivileged.  ...Visualizza
Mexico | TV-Cinema-Teatro |
actores de clown (técnica francesa), egresados de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad de Guadalajara, se han presentado en varios lugares de la República Mexicana. Presentaron su show en el lanzamiento de la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y No Violencia en Tlaquepaque Jalisco  ...Visualizza
‘El Fisgón’, Rafael Barajas Durán
‘El Fisgón’, Rafael Barajas Durán
Mexico | Giornalismo e mezzi di comunicazione
Caricaturista de varios periódicos, como el mexicano La Jornada, de revistas como El Chamuco, El chahuistle y Nexos entreotras, intelectual, activista político de izquierda e ilustrador de libros para niños. Tiene su propia obra pictórica  ...Visualizza
ICBUW - Giappone
ICBUW - Giappone
Japan | Attivismo
Campagna internazionale per l'abolizione delle armi all'uranio  ...Visualizza
Swedish Peace Council
Swedish Peace Council
Sweden | Attivismo
Swedish Peace Council has been a unifying force for the peace movement in Sweden since its initiation 1946th. It is an umbrella organization for Swedish peace organizations, but also welcomes individual members. The Council works for peace through public opinion formation, by promoting cooperation between the Swedish peace organizations in pursuing their own projects. Our latest project was the peace theme days Conflict Smart 2008th (See article link below.)  ...Visualizza
Los Milky Brothers
Los Milky Brothers
Mexico | Musica
Herederos orgullosos de las glorias de Led Zappelin en México  ...Visualizza
Germany | Pace e Nonviolenza
IALANA - Juristen und Juristinnen gegen atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen Für gewaltfreie Friedensgestaltung. Deutsche Sektion der International Association Of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms  ...Visualizza
Adrián Otero
Adrián Otero
Argentina | Musica |
Adrián Otero, durante 30 años, desde 1978 hasta principios de 2008, fue la voz líder de Memphis La Blusera, la banda de blues más exitosa de Argentina. La misma llegó a editar 13 discos en toda su historia, entre los que se pueden contar: Alma bajo la lluvia, Medias negras, Tonto rompecabezas, Cosa de hombres, Angelitos culones, En vivo en el Colón, Etc, entre otras producciones.  ...Visualizza
Riemke Ensing
Riemke Ensing
New Zealand | Letteratura
"Born in the Netherlands, poet Riemke Ensing has distinctively synthesised European and New Zealand influences. After arriving here in 1951, Ensing came to attention as editor of the first New Zealand anthology of women poets, Private Gardens. She has published numerous collections, often engaging with art, politics and other poets, and her selected poems were published in 2000 as Talking Pictures. Ensing has taught New Zealand literature at Auckland University and in 2002 she received the Buddle Findlay Sargeson Fellowship." -  ...Visualizza
Maire Leadbeater
Maire Leadbeater
New Zealand | Attivismo
Maire Leadbeater is a human rights, peace and nuclear disarmament activist, involved in many NGO's and is a spokesperson for the Indonesia Human Rights Committee. She is the sister of Green MP Keith Locke and the daughter of Peace Campaigner Elsie Locke.  ...Visualizza

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