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Suomen Työväenpuolue - Finlands Arbetarparti (Workers' Party of Finland)
Finland | Politica
A left wing political party  ...Visualizza
Kommunistien Liitto (The Communist League Finland)
Kommunistien Liitto (The Communist League Finland)
Finland | Politica
A communist organization  ...Visualizza
Lääkärin Sosiaalinen Vastuu (Physicians for Social Responsibility - Finland)
Lääkärin Sosiaalinen Vastuu (Physicians for Social Responsibility - Finland)
Finland | Pace e Nonviolenza
Lääkärin sosiaalinen vastuu, or Physicians for Social Responsibility - Finland (PSR-Finland) is a registered association founded in 1982 whose membership consists of medical doctors, dentists, and students of these professions. The aims of the association are to promote a better understanding on the part of the medical community of the ethical and social questions which concern the whole of humankind, and by its own actions strive to help solve important global problems. Questions of major importance for the association include the promotion and maintenance of safe living environments, equity and peace. Since 1996 PSR-Finland has also been the Finnish affiliate of International Physici  ...Visualizza
Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue (The Communist Party of Finland)
Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue (The Communist Party of Finland)
Finland | Politica
The Communist Party of Finland was founded on the 29th of August 1918. The CPF was re-enrolled to political parties' register on February 1997 after having been split and suffered from bankruptcy and after the Left Alliance joined the government together with the conservative party and abandoned the right of communist to be members of the Alliance. There nearly 3 000 members in the CPF, 14 disricts and over 100 basic organizations.  ...Visualizza
Youth Educative Center - VAVILON PORTA
Youth Educative Center - VAVILON PORTA
Macedonia | Altro
We are the supporters and organizers for part of the world march of peace and nonviolence in Macedonia. The event will include concert, movie projection, workshops and other creative activities. The happening will be placed in the Youth Cultural Center, Skopje.  ...Visualizza
Oscar Pereiro Sío
Oscar Pereiro Sío
Spain | Sport |
Oscar Pereiro Sío nació en Mos ( Pontevedra) el 3 de agosto de 1977 . Deportista precoz con la bicicleta ya nos ha dado grandes alegrías al deporte gallego.  ...Visualizza
Carlos Nuñez
Carlos Nuñez
Spain | Musica |
Nació en Vigo el 16 de julio de 1971 y comenzó a tocar la gaita gallega a los ocho años. Carlos Núñez es un músico de la música celta y en el panorama internacional es considerado un erudito del tema. Sus investigaciones siguen básicamente dos líneas relacionadas entre sí: el origen de la música celta y su fusión con las músicas del mundo actuales. Su interés por el tema le ha llevado a recorrer el globo y a relacionarse con músicos y artistas de los países que ha visitado, para luego plasmar sus conocimientos y experiencias en su prolífica discografía.  ...Visualizza
Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha
Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha
Spain | Educazione
Razones de la adhesión institucional de la Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha a la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la Noviolencia: Porque el hambre en el mundo puede resolverse con el 10% de lo que se gasta en armamento. Y porque estamos de acuerdo con: 1. El desarme nuclear mundial 2. La retirada inmediata de las tropas invasoras de los territorios ocupados 3. La reducción progresiva y proporcional del armamento convencional 4. La firma de tratados de no agresión entre países 5. La renuncia de los gobiernos a utilizar las guerras como medio de resolver conflictos.  ...Visualizza
Parada Romania
Parada Romania
Romania | Diritti Umani
Parada is a Romanian non profit and non governamental organization. Created in 1996 the Foundation stands in order to protect and promote the right of the children living in the streets of Bucharest. Parada offers several tipe of social services like: Mobile Units, Daily care center, Social Apartements, Artistic Activities.  ...Visualizza
Asociatia Serviciul Apel
Asociatia Serviciul Apel
Romania | Altro
The Apel Service Asociation is a non profit, non governamental organization fightin against social and economical discrimination in Bucarest and Timisoara. As a local actor Apel promote programs and services of vocational training, profesional integration and consultancy and support in the field of Social Economy. All its services are avalaible for citizens in situation of social exclusion.  ...Visualizza

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