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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

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World March encounter at the mouth of the Bosphorus
Turkey | 28. 10月 2009 07:19 |
Today in Istanbul, the fifth largest city in the World and the only city to span two continents, an encounter full of meaning took place at the Bosphorus Bridge: the point where Asia meets Europe. In the Historic city and centre of Turkish culture, the World March for Peace and Nonviolence Middle East Team met the South East Europe team to hand over the metaphorical baton.  ...みますか?

The World March wins the 2009 JOSC Achievement Prize
Benin | 27. 10月 2009 09:18 |
On October 19th, 20th, and 21st, humanist workers from the COHUB association (Cercle des Ouvriers Humanistes) in Benin participated in the 2009 Civil Society Days (JOSC), where they won the Achievement Prize for their presentation and campaign implemented within the framework of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.  ...みますか?

Estonian parliament welcomes delegation from the World March
Estonia | 27. 10月 2009 07:13 |
A group made up of Estonian Liberal and Green Party MPs, led by Toomas Trapido, welcomed the World March base team to Tallinn. Rafael de la Rubia, spokesperson for the march, presented the Parliament with the March Manifesto, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol and the Charter for a World without Violence drafted by Nobel Peace Laureates.  ...みますか?

Moscow: the World March received by the Gorbachev Foundation
Russian Federation | 23. 10月 2009 04:08 |
Twenty members of the World March Base Team were received by the Director of the Gorbachev Foundation in Moscow to whom Rafael de la Rubia handed the Manifesto for Peace and Nonviolence. The march spokesperson talked about the importance of the Base Team’s presence in Moscow, where he himself founded the association “World without Wars” in 1994.  ...みますか?

Dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis at Wallaje (Palestine)
Palestine | 22. 10月 2009 13:00 |
Thanks to the mediation work of Luisa Morgantini, a number of popular Palestinian associations, which had been opposed to the event in celebration of the World March at Wallaje, in Palestinian territory, to which Israeli representatives were invited, opened a dialogue with - and their own homes to - the March delegation, recognising its role as an ambassador of peace.  ...みますか?

Augurio del Presidente della Repubblica italiana alla Marcia Mondiale
Italy | 22. 10月 2009 03:27 |
Il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana, Giorgio Napolitano, invia i più sentiti auguri alla Marcia Mondiale. In allegato la lettera ufficiale.  ...みますか?

The World March calls on Japan to close US bases
Japan | 20. 10月 2009 14:24 |
On the 3rd and final day in Japan, the World March called on the Government to kick out US bases, a proposal in line with the World March’s demands that foreign troops should withdraw from the territories of other countries. Local organisers welcoming the call described the demand made at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as “unprecedented”.  ...みますか?

Hundreds protest in Kyoto against war, poverty and discrimination
Japan | 20. 10月 2009 14:19 |
"Collective action in Kyoto against War, Poverty and Discrimination" was the banner for hundreds of Kyoto activists demonstrating today. Women’s groups, anti US bases organisations, communists, anti-nuclear power organisations and organisations defending article 9 of the Japanese constitution were among those represented together with the World March for Peace and Nonviolence."  ...みますか?

Un millar de personas en Vigo piden por la Paz y la No Violencia
Spain | 19. 10月 2009 03:32 |
El domingo 18 de Octubre se realizó en Vigo (Galicia) el acto central de la MM con diversas actividades y con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento  ...みますか?

Marcha por la Paz y la No Violencia en Bissau
Guinea-Bissau | 19. 10月 2009 03:02 |
En la capital de Guinea Bisau se realizó una Marcha por la Paz y la No Violencia para difundir los objetivos de este proyecto internacional.  ...みますか?

1000 candles for Peace in Hiroshima
Japan | 18. 10月 2009 09:26 |
1000 candles were lit today spelling out the demand “Nuclear Free Now!” The act was part of an event called NO NUKES 2020 organised by Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation; an organisation established in April 1998 by the City of Hiroshima to promote peace, and to consolidate the city's activities in peace promotion, globalization, and international cooperation.  ...みますか?

La alcaldesa de la capital regional Zlín apoya la Marcha Mundial
Czech Republic | 17. 10月 2009 23:57 |
Alena Ondrová, alcaldesa mayor de la capital regional Zlín y ex senadora del Parlamento de la República Checa, expresó su apoyo a la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No Violencia.  ...みますか?

La Marcha Mundial se encumbra en México
Mexico | 17. 10月 2009 23:33 |
El sábado 17 de octubre —por una iniciativa de Fernando Melo, alpinista y montañista mexicano de fama internacional— se ascendió a la segunda cumbre más alta del “Nevado de Toluca”, ubicado a 4,680 msnm para ondear desde allí la bandera de la Marcha Mundial.  ...みますか?

La Marche mondiale entre dans la zone démilitarisée entre les deux Corées.
South Korea | 17. 10月 2009 09:30 |
Les membres de l’équipe de base ne sont pas venus en vain en Corée du Sud. Grâce à leur visite dans ce pays surnommée le « Pays du matin calme », c’est la première fois que des étrangers se rendent dans la zone le long de la frontière entre les deux États dite « zone démilitarisée » (DMZ) qui est la zone tampon concentrant le plus grand nombre de forces armées au monde.  ...みますか?

Lanín: volcán de paz
Argentina | 17. 10月 2009 00:58 |
Dos andinistas llevaron la MM a la cumbre del Lanín  ...みますか?

Concierto Metro San Lázaro, Ciudad de México
Mexico | 16. 10月 2009 23:36 |
Octavo concierto en el Metro de la Ciudad de México para promover la Marcha Mundial  ...みますか?

Middle East base team at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
Israel | 16. 10月 2009 04:17 |
On October 3 the World March Middle East team, alongside members of Israeli antinuclear organisations, staged a demonstration in support of world nuclear disarmament, peace and nonviolence at the Wailing Wall, in front of the Mosques of Omar and al-Aqsa, before protesting outside the Holy Sepulchre. Their placards proclaimed “Praying for world peace”.  ...みますか?

Middle East base team at Armageddon
Israel | 15. 10月 2009 16:56 |
On October 14th, activists of the base team of the World March in the Middle East, members of the Humanist Movement and Greenpeace Israel, created a representation of a nuclear catastrophe at Armageddon (Mount Megiddo, in the north of Israel) in the place where, according to Christian tradition, the final battle will take place in the future between the forces of Good and Evil.  ...みますか?

Illapu da su apoyo a la MM en Fiestiandina 2009
Chile | 15. 10月 2009 03:48 |
Tras dos años de ausencia, se realizó la décima versión del Festival de Danza Latinoamericana "Festiandina 2009", la que duró desde el 9 al 11 de octubre y se celebró en el estadio Carlos Dittborn.  ...みますか?

“Alternative Nobel Prize” for Alyn Ware, World March Coordinator for New Zealand – Aotearoa
United Kingdom | 14. 10月 2009 17:55 |
One of the 2009 Right Livelihood Awards, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prizes goes to Alyn Ware, World March for Peace and Nonviolence Coordinator for New Zealand - Aotearoa, for “his effective and creative advocacy and initiatives over two decades to further peace education and to rid the world of nuclear weapons”.  ...みますか?

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