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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

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International Federation of Settlements
United States | Human Rights
The International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres (IFS) is a global movement that connects community organizations that represent and respond to the different needs, strengths and aspirations of families and communities.  ...みますか?
Veterans for Peace
Veterans for Peace
United States | Peace and Nonviolence
Veterans For Peace is a national organization founded in 1985. It is comprised of members across the United States organized in chapters or as at-large members. The organization includes men and women veterans of all eras and duty stations from the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), World War II, the Korean, Vietnam, Gulf and current Iraq wars as well as other conflicts. Our collective experience tells us wars are easy to start and hard to stop and that those hurt are often the innocent.  ...みますか?
Fellowship of Reconciliation-USA
Fellowship of Reconciliation-USA
United States | Peace and Nonviolence
Part of an interfaith and international movement with branches and groups in over 40 countries and on every continent, FOR-USA was founded in 1915 and has a membership which includes Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, and people of other faith traditions, as well as those with no formal religious affiliation.  ...みますか?
War Resisters League
United States | Activism
The United States’ oldest secular pacifist organization, the War Resisters League has been resisting war at home and war abroad since 1923. Our work for nonviolent revolution has spanned decades and has been shaped by the new visions and strategies of each generation’s peacemakers.  ...みますか?
Paolo Rumiz
Paolo Rumiz
Italy | Journalism and Media
Dal 1986 segue gli eventi dell'area balcanica e danubiana; durante la dissoluzione della Jugoslavia segue in prima linea il conflitto prima in Croazia e successivamente in Bosnia Erzegovina. Nel novembre 2001 è stato inviato ad Islamabad e successivamente a Kabul, per documentare l'attacco statunitense all'Afghanistan.  ...みますか?
Aktionsbundnis Freiheit statt Angst
Aktionsbundnis Freiheit statt Angst
Germany | Activism |
http://de.freedomnotfear2009.org/  ...みますか?
Club Baloncesto Uni CajaCanarias
Club Baloncesto Uni CajaCanarias
Spain | Sports
Club de baloncesto femenino de Tenerife que milita en la Liga Femenina española 2 grupo B. Plantilla CB Uni Cajacanarias (Liga Femenina 2 Grupo B 2008/09): Laura Fernández, Verónica Matoso, Patricia Berciano, Beatriz Sánchez, Eva Serra (Don Piso Girona), Lauma Reke (Saint Peters - NCAA), Elisabet Vivas, Yanira Pérez, Nieves Bermejo (Uni Cajacanarias Jr), Patricia Álvarez (CB Guindos Jr), Chineze Nwagbo (NIG-USA, Alvargómez Guadalajara) y Noelia Oliva (Cáceres - LF2) Bajas durante la temporada: Erin Myrick (USA), Marta Medina Entrenadora: Esther Herrero  ...みますか?
Artistes pour un Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence
Artistes pour un Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence
France | Art
L’association Artistes pour un Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence impulse tous types d’activités dans le champ artistique afin de contribuer à la réduction et à la disparition des conflits armés et de la violence sous toutes ses formes, promouvoir l’idée qu’un monde sans guerres et sans violence est possible, et favoriser le développement dune culture de la non-violence. Basée à Marseille, elle est affiliée à Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence.  ...みますか?
Kabre-Zoungrana Y. Josiane
Kabre-Zoungrana Y. Josiane
Burkina Faso | Municipality
Maire de la Commune Rurale de Saaba - Province de Kadiogo - Région Centre du Burkina Faso  ...みますか?
Allasane Bocoum
Allasane Bocoum
Mali | Peace and Nonviolence
Le Directeur nationale du Développement Social (DNDS), Allassane Bocoum, a adhère a la Marche Mondiale de la Paix et Non-violence. Allassane Bocoum est membre de le cabinet de le ministre Sékou Diakité, en charge du Ministere de Développement Social, de la Solidarité et des Personnes Agées au Mali depuis de 2005. La DNDS a pour mission d'élaborer la politique nationale en matière: d'amélioration des conditions de vie des populations, de concrétisation du principe de solidarité nationale, de lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion, d'aide et de secours, de protection et de promotion des handicapés, des personnes âgées et des groupes défavorisés de façon générale.  ...みますか?

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