2024年7月16 火曜日 Bookmark and Share
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行進日 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

Privacy Policy

WORLD WITHOUT WARS promises to safeguard the privacy of the personal data entered via its webpage. We have signed up to the LOPD (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos), and guarantee that all personal information relating to our contributors will be held in the strictest confidentiality.

We will neither cede, sell nor rent your personal information to any other organization(s) or database(s).

You are free to access, update or delete your information at any time.


“Mundo sin Guerras y sin Violencia”
National Register of Associations no. 136,582

Shoot for change (S4C) immages:

All the photographs shot during the official events of the World March for Peace are donated by Shoot for Change S4C to the organisation of the March free of charge. They are, together with the video uploaded on Youtube, fully usable provided a non commercial destination. This could be allowed only if the the revenues of such activities are used to finance World March activities. Shoot for Change is a no profit initiative and only asks to mention its name and website www.shoot4change.net together with the name of the authors where available and technically feasible.

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