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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Informações úteis

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Total de vídeos: 1183 | Vídeos selecionados: 337 | Adicionar novo vídeo
Vìdeos à espera de aprovação: 6

Diyarbakir Entrevista con el Alcalde 20 10 2009 21.10.2009
Idioma: ESP | País: Turquia | Tempo: 2:54
Entrevista con el Alcalde de Diyarbakir, Turquia
Tokyo (19-10-2009) 21.10.2009
Idioma: ENG | País: Japão | Tempo: 1:27
The World March calls on Japan to kick out US Bases. 19 October 2009.
Equipo Base de Oriente Medio en Antioquia 21.10.2009
Idioma: | País: Turquia | Tempo: 1:21
Video del equipo Base de Oriente Medio en Antioquia (Turquia) - Video of Base Team of Midle East at Antioquia (Turkey)
In Kyoto, Japan by Isabelle (18-10-2009) 19.10.2009
Idioma: | País: Japão | Tempo: 4:19
Base Team in Kyoto, Japan by Isabelle
In Kyoto, Japan by Alvaro (18-10-2009) 19.10.2009
Idioma: ENG | País: Japão | Tempo: 2:25
Base Team In Kyoto, Japan (18-10-2009)
BIGGEST HUMAN PEACE SIGN VIDEO - Lucena - Filipinas 19.10.2009
Idioma: ENG | País: Filipinas | Tempo: 1:04
Edited by Miguel Gomiz
Fukuoka-Hiroshima, Japan. (17-10-2009) 18.10.2009
Idioma: ENG | País: Japão | Tempo: 2:59
Base Team in Fukuoka-Hiroshima, Japan. 17 october 2009.
The World March in Korea 18.10.2009
Idioma: ENG | País: Coreia do Sul | Tempo: 3:48
Korean welcome in Seoul and at the neutral zone border between North and South Korea.
Korea Neutral Zone. 16-10-2009 17.10.2009
Idioma: | País: Coreia do Sul | Tempo: 2:46
Mumbai Meeting Peace Sing 13-10-2009 17.10.2009
Idioma: ESP | País: Índia | Tempo: 1:31
Amritsar (India) 14-10-2009 Cam2 17.10.2009
Idioma: FRA | País: Índia | Tempo: 3:13
World March in Arab-Jewish School (14.10.2009, Kfar Kara - Israel) 17.10.2009
Idioma: ESP | País: Israel | Tempo: 3:14
World March for Peace and Nonviolence, Team of Middle East visit the Arab-Jewish School, 'Bridge over the Wedi' - 14.10.2009, Kfar Kara - Israel
The World March in Wallaja (Jerusalem) - 16.10.2009 17.10.2009
Idioma: ENG | País: Palestine | Tempo: 2:23
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Wallaja (Jerusalem) - 16.10.2009 - An historic meeting between Israelis and Palestinians. Giorgio Schultze, Luisa Morgantini, Aaron Elberg, Ali Abu Awad, Barbara Cupisti.
Bethlehem March to Aida Camp (Palestine 14.10.2009) 16.10.2009
Idioma: ENG | País: Palestine | Tempo: 2:19
World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Bethlehem (Palestine) - march from Nativity Square to Aida Camp. Partecipating: Giorgio Schultze, european spokeperson of the World March, Luisa Morgantini, former vicepresident of European Parlament, Mayor of Bethlehem Victor Batarse, Father Attlah Hanna, Holy Land Trust Association.
Disarmament or Armageddon (14.10.2009 Mount Megiddo, Israel) 16.10.2009
Idioma: ENG | País: Israel | Tempo: 1:41
On the 14th of October 2009 the humanist Base Team of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Middle East with Israelian Greenpeace group made a simulation of the nuclear catastrophe in Armageddon (mount Meggido, north of Israel), the place where, for the Christian religion, there will be the final battle between the Good and the Evil. During the action the activists opened a big banner 8x3 mt, declarating Disarmament or Armageddon.

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