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The World March in the occupied territories in Palestine
Palestine | 14 de Outubro 2009 16:48 |
Members of the Middle East team of the World March have now left Bethlehem following a visit yesterday to the occupied Palestinian territories. Along with them were representatives of the Holy Land Trust association of Bethlehem, a non-profit organisation that has worked for years for the nonviolent development of the Palestinian communities.  ...Ver

World March blessed by Ghandi’s grand-daughter
India | 14 de Outubro 2009 16:37 |
The 20 marchers arrived in New Delhi on October 12 to honour several meetings in various provinces of India. After a long march to New Delhi, where the base team was received by Tara Gandhi Bhattacharji, Ghandi’s grand-daughter, the group split up to go to Bombay, Amritsar, Chennai and Trichur (in the province of Kerala).  ...Ver

The World march at Pakistan-India border
Pakistan | 14 de Outubro 2009 10:00 |
If there was one symbolic act that could not have been missed in Asia, it was that one ! People from Pakistan and India , the two emerging nuclear powers in eternal conflict, have gathered at the border to express symbolically to their respective governments, that they are fed up with wars, violences, manipulated terrorism and nuclear proliferation.  ...Ver

Ciclo de actos de una semana por la Paz
Spain | 14 de Outubro 2009 03:50 |
La comarca del Garraf de Cataluña celebró su semana por la paz, dedicando los actos de inauguración y clausura a la Marcha Mundial.  ...Ver

World March at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
Israel | 13 de Outubro 2009 17:48 |
On October 11th and 12th, the Middle East team of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence passed through Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Among the marchers was Giorgio Schultze, the European spokesperson for the March. The team met the Director of Music and Dance at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Municipal Councillor Margalit of the Meretz party.  ...Ver

October 3rd, Peace March in Christchurch, South Island (New Zealand)
New Zealand | 13 de Outubro 2009 03:03 |
This event connected the South Island to the celebrations for the launching of the World March in New Zealand. It was organized by Dr Kate Dewes and Robert Green of the Peace Foundation Disarmament and Security Centre, who did a wonderful work to involve many associations and New Zealand personalities like Brendan Burns (Labour MP, Central Christchurch), Lianne Dalziel (Former Minister of Justice and Immigration), Ruth Dyson (ACC Minister), Kennedy Graham Green (MP and sponsor of the Non Aggression Bill), Garry Moore (former Mayor of Christchurch and former Vice President of Mayors for Peace) and Chrissie Williams (City Councillor). Montserrat Prieto, participated representing the Core Team of the World March.  ...Ver

Milano: laboratorio d'arte a sostegno della Marcia Mondiale per la pace e la nonviolenza.
Italy | 12 de Outubro 2009 06:30 |
Buone Nuove e La Comunità per lo Sviluppo Umano organizza il laboratorio d'arte "Ascoltare il colore" a sostegno della Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza.  ...Ver

Bangladeshi students welcome the World March for Peace
Bangladesh | 11 de Outubro 2009 23:33 |
Members of the base team marched alongside Bangladeshis in Dhaka. The event was organized within the framework of the University of the Capital by the association “World without Wars” and other members of the humanist movement. To mark the occasion, a press conference was held attended by some twenty journalists and numerous spectators.  ...Ver

Palestine: Bethlehem government endorses March
Palestine | 10 de Outubro 2009 22:07 |
Rana Al-Arja and Lubna Bandak from Holy Land Trust and Patricia Arriagada from Chilean organization The Community for Human Development met with Bethlehem Governor Mr. Abed Al Fatah Hamayel in order to invite him to join the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. He fully welcomed the idea and confirmed his participation during the March.  ...Ver

Press conference in Lahore
Pakistan | 10 de Outubro 2009 09:30 |
The World march team in pakistan has adressed to the national press, today October 9, in Lahore press club.  ...Ver

Armamentismo. polémica por armas de exterminación masiva. Miedo nuclear en el mundo.
Panama | 09 de Outubro 2009 07:00 |
El pasado 2 de octubre se inició en Nueva Zelanda una marcha mundial por la paz y la no violencia. Se prevé que los viajeros lleguen al país en diciembre. Por Leonardo Flores [email protected]  ...Ver

Jornadas por la paz y la no violencia en el kibutz Holit
Israel | 08 de Outubro 2009 13:46 |
A pocos kilómetros de la Franja de Gaza se realizaron unas jornadas por la Paz y la No Violencia, conjuntamente con el movimiento socialista kibutziano Shomer Hatzair y miembros de la Marcha Mundial. Jayme Fucs Bar manifestó: “queremos vivir en paz israelíes y palestinos, judíos y musulmanes, sin odio, y viendo crecer a nuestros niños sin violencia y con futuro…”  ...Ver

The Philippines gives the World March the largest human peace sign ever created
Philippines | 08 de Outubro 2009 08:31 |
The World March for Peace and Non-Violence definitely experienced one of its emotional highpoints on the morning of October 7th. The base team members were invited to attend the formation, before their very eyes, of the largest human peace sign, executed to perfection by over 12,000 students from schools in the town of Lucena, in the south of the Philippines.  ...Ver

7 ottobre a Milano: diritti e immigrazione
Italy | 07 de Outubro 2009 21:18 |
Mercoledì 7 ottobre si tiene una conferenza su diritti e immigrazione. L'evento è aperto a tutti presso la Camera del Lavoro di Milano, in corso di Porta di Vittoria 43, alle ore 20.30, ed è dedicato alla Marcia mondiale per la pace e la nonviolenza.  ...Ver

Bahrain joins the World March
Bahrain | 07 de Outubro 2009 17:42 |
Peace March in Bahrain  ...Ver

La gaita que peregrina por la paz y la no violencia
Spain | 07 de Outubro 2009 08:14 |
Una gaita gallega acompañará al equipo base desde España hasta el fin de la Marcha en Punta de Vacas.  ...Ver

Artistas argentinos se manifiestan en favor de la no-violencia
Argentina | 06 de Outubro 2009 09:41 |
Maximiliano Guerra, Juan Leirado, Jorge Marrale, Silvia Pérez, Miguel Cantilo, Raúl Porchetto, entre otros reconocidos artistas argentinos celebraron en Buenos aires el 2 de octubre, aniversario del nacimiento de Mahatma Gandhi y declarado por la ONU como el día mundial de la no-violencia. En ese marco, las influyentes personalidades realizaron declaraciones a Pressenza.  ...Ver

La Marche Mondiale au Moyen-Orient
Israel | 05 de Outubro 2009 08:50 |
Pendant que l’équipe de base de la Marche Mondiale pour la Paix et la Non-violence a commencé son parcours partant d’Océanie en direction Europe, avec plusieurs haltes prévues en Asie, l’équipe du Moyen Orient – constituée de personnes de différentes nationalités – se mettra en route depuis Tel Aviv vers l’Egypte, la Palestine, la Jordanie et la Turquie.  ...Ver

la marche mondiale à Rabat la capiltale marocaine le 4 et 5 octobre
Morocco | 05 de Outubro 2009 06:57 |

Campaña en medios de comunicación
Panama | 05 de Outubro 2009 01:00 |
Durante la primera semana de octubre de 2009 se realizó una intensa campaña de difusión en distintos medios de prensa para presentar la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No Violencia. Miembros de coordinación de Panamá estuvieron en canales de televisión, radio y prensa escrita.  ...Ver

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